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How to write an if statement in ternary form?

The commented code with the if statement does work correctly. However, the ternary does not? Why is this or how can I implement this in one simple line?

local function dontwork()
  local args = ""
  local cmd_tb = {}
  cmd_tb.args = ""

  -- dont work
  args = (#cmd_tb.args == 0 and false or cmd_tb.args)
  -- dont work
  -- args = (cmd_tb.args == "" and false or cmd_tb.args)

-- works correctly - empty
  -- if #cmd_tb.args == 0 then
  --   args = false
  -- else
  --   args = cmd_tb.args
  -- end

  if args then

-- outputs 'yes'


  • This is a common pitfall.

    cond and a or b is not a ternary. It's just (cond and a) or b, which, due to lazy evaluation, behaves almost like a ternary:

    • If cond is truthy, cond and a evaluates to a. If a is truthy, a or b then evaluates to a.
    • If cond is falsey, cond and a evaluates to cond, so cond or b evaluates to b.

    The problem is that if a is falsey (nil or false), then a or b evaluates to b, when it should evaluate to a.

    In your case, since b is truthy (nil and false don't support #, unless you mess with debug metatables), you could just negate your condition and swap a and b:

    args = #cmd_tb.args ~= 0 and cmd_tb.args or false

    The or false is not necessary in this case, since #cmd_tb.args ~= 0 will already evaluate to false. It may be necessary if your condition could be nil; or nil is also sometimes useful when you want nil rather than a boolean, but your condition produces a boolean.

    PS: I would test for the empty string using ~= "" / == "" respectively. It is clearer than comparing #x against 0.