I have a table and a directory :
[1] = "File"
[2] = "Documents"
[3] = "txt_Page"
--Table for directory
Files = {
File = {
Documents = {
txt_Page = "new"
I want to edit the txt_page
through the directory and return the newly edited files table but I've tried methods and I can't seem to find it.
Just concat it:
tabl = {"File", "Documents", "txt_page"}
path = table.concat(tabl, "/")
print(path) -- "File/Documents/txt_page"
For Lua table:
local new_txt_Page = 3
local str = "Files['" .. table.concat(tabl, "']['") .. "'] = " .. new_txt_Page
print (str) -- Files['File']['Documents']['txt_Page'] = 3
load(str)() -- execute the string
If your strings have no spaces dashes etc., then you can make it just like:
str = "Files."..table.concat(tabl, ".").." = ".. new_txt_Page
print (str) -- Files.File.Documents.txt_Page = 3