Search code examples

Azure Synapse - Dataflow fails when using API request body

I used "copy data" activity with following request body:

  "query": "query RoomStays($first: Int!, $from: Date!, $to: Date!, $after: String) {\n  room_stays(\n    first: $first,\n    filter: {\n      reservation_from: { ge: $from },\n      reservation_to: { le: $to }\n    },\n    after: $after\n  ) {\n    pageInfo {\n      hasNextPage\n      endCursor\n    }\n    edges {\n      cursor\n      node {\n        check_in\n        check_out\n        gross\n        lodgingsGross\n        additionalSales\n        reservation_from\n        reservation_to\n        category {\n          name\n        }\n        reservation {\n          createdAt\n          bookingChannelCode\n          stayType {\n          \tname\n        \t}\n          client {\n            country\n          }\n          bookingSource {\n            name\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}",
  "variables": {
    "after": "null",
    "from": "2000-01-01",
    "to": "2100-01-01",
    "first": 100
  "operationName": "RoomStays"

Copy Data Activity

It works without any issues.

Now I am trying to replicate this with the "Dataflow" activity:

I basically just stringyfied it:

'{"query": "query RoomStays($first: Int!, $from: Date!, $to: Date!, $after: String) {\n  room_stays(\n    first: $first,\n    filter: {\n      reservation_from: { ge: $from },\n      reservation_to: { le: $to }\n    },\n    after: $after\n  ) {\n    pageInfo {\n      hasNextPage\n      endCursor\n    }\n    edges {\n      cursor\n      node {\n        check_in\n        check_out\n        gross\n        lodgingsGross\n        additionalSales\n        reservation_from\n        reservation_to\n        category {\n          name\n        }\n        reservation {\n          createdAt\n          bookingChannelCode\n          stayType {\n          \tname\n        \t}\n          client {\n            country\n          }\n          bookingSource {\n            name\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}","variables": {"after": null,"from": "2000-01-01","to": "2025-01-01","first": 10},"operationName": "RoomStays"}'

Dataflow Activity

Error Message

What could be the reason for failure? I tried turning "Format" from JSON to None, but that didnt change anything. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. Any help?


  • Found a solution here

    You need to create a column, then an external call.