I have columns filled with this possible data
I want to apply conditional formatting with this rules:
Unfortunately if I create the rules for value =0, it is also colouring the 'blank' cells red:
My rules look like this:
I have also put special rule just to switch all banks to white but it has no effect. I have tried to change the rule for the "0" in many ways like checking if the value is between 0 and 0, but still the rule always colours the blanks. How can I create rule which will leave the blanks white and colour only the "0" cells?
I went through couple examples from Stackoverflow which suppose to fix this issue, but I dont know how to apply formulas in generic way for whole columns - I am not working with Excel on daily basis so I dont know how to create advanced formulas.
You can use this formula for the red part:
It returns true if the cell isn't empty and the value = 0.
(Btw: like this the condition is international ... you could use AND
as well - but then in the language of your Excel: =AND(ISNUMBER(D1),D1=0)