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How to add custom response when validating request header in Apache Camel

Good afternoon

I am new to apache camel and I am working with a microservice using apache camel and quarkus, I am currently implementing validation of the input fields as automated as possible and in this case I want to validate the header and I want to return a 400 code and a custom response but no I manage to do it.

I am implementing the line clientRequestValidation(true) in the DSL definition of the logic in addition to the line to validate my input parameter:


With these two lines what I get is the following response:

enter image description here

And I want an answer like this:

enter image description here

My RestRoure code is the following:

public class RestRoute extends RouteBuilder {
    @ConfigProperty(name = "client.url.userProfile")
    String urlUserProfile;

    @ConfigProperty(name = "client.utl.getActiveSessionByIp")
    String urlGetActivateSessionByIp;

    @ConfigProperty(name = "path.openapi")
    String pathOpenapi;

    @ConfigProperty(name = "descripcion.servicio")
    String descriptionService;

    private final IGetCurrentDateTime getCurrentDateTime;

    private ConfigureSsl configureSsl;

    private static final String SALIDA_BSS_EXCEPTION = "Salida Microservicio IdentifyOrigin ${body}";
    private static final String MSG_EXCEPTION = "Descripcion de la Exception: ${exception.message}";

    private static final String DATE_LOG = "[${bean:BeanDate.getCurrentDateTime()}] ";

    public RestRoute() {
        getCurrentDateTime = new GetCurrentDateTime();
        configureSsl= new ConfigureSsl();
    public void configure() throws Exception {

        BeanDate beanDate= new BeanDate();
        getContext().getRegistry().bind("BeanDate", beanDate);

                .param().name("Response").type(RestParamType.body).description("Parametros de Salidas")

                            .log("["+"${bean:BeanDate.getCurrentDateTime()}"+"] "+ "Datos de Entrada del MS: ${body}")
                            .process(new GetActivateSessionByIpReqProcessor())
                            .log("\n[${bean:BeanDate.getCurrentDateTime()}] "+"Entrada Microservicio GetActivateSessionByIp: ${exchangeProperty[getActivateSessionByIpRequest]}")
                            .to(configureSsl.setupSSLContext(getCamelContext(), urlGetActivateSessionByIp))
                                    .process(new GetActivateSessionByIpResProcessor())
                                    .log("["+"${bean:BeanDate.getCurrentDateTime()}"+"] "+ "Salida MS GetActivateSessionByIp: ${body}")
                                    .log("["+"${bean:BeanDate.getCurrentDateTime()}"+"] "+ "PhoneNumberByIp obtenido desde MS GetActivateSessionByIp: ${exchangeProperty[phoneNumberByIp]}")
                                    .process(new UserProfileReqProcessor())
                                    .to(configureSsl.setupSSLContext(getCamelContext(), urlUserProfile))
                                    .log("["+"${bean:BeanDate.getCurrentDateTime()}"+"] "+ "Datos de Salida del MS UserProfile: ${body}")
                                .process(new ApiResponseFaultProcessor())
                            .process(new UserProfileReqProcessor())
                            .to(configureSsl.setupSSLContext(getCamelContext(), urlUserProfile))
                            .log("["+"${bean:BeanDate.getCurrentDateTime()}"+"] "+ "Datos de Salida del MS UserProfile: ${body}")
                                .process(new UserProfileResProcessor())
                                .log("["+"${bean:BeanDate.getCurrentDateTime()}"+"] "+ "UserId obtenido desde UserProfile: ${exchangeProperty[userId]}")
                                .process(new IdentifyOriginResProcessor())
                                .log(DATE_LOG+"Salida MS IdentifyOrigin: ${exchangeProperty[identifyOriginResponse]}")
                                .process(new ApiResponseFaultProcessor())
                            .process(new InvalidFormatExcepctionProcessor())
                            .process(new NotFoundDataExceptionProcessor())
                            .process(new HttpHostConnectExceptionProcessor())
                            .process(new IdentifyOriginExceptionProcessor())

How can I do this?


  • from("direct:pipeline")
        .process(exchange -> {
            String xCorrelator = exchange.getIn().getHeader("x-correlator", String.class);
            // Implement your validation logic here
            if (xCorrelator == null || xCorrelator.isEmpty()) {
                throw new ValidationException("x-correlator header is missing or invalid");
        // Rest of your route...
        .process(exchange -> {
            exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 400);
            exchange.getIn().setBody("Invalid header information provided");
    // Continue with other exception handling...


    // Custom exception handling for validation errors
            .handled(true) // Stop the exception from propagating
            .setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, constant(400)) // Set HTTP status 400
            .setBody().constant("Invalid 'x-correlator' header value"); // Custom error message