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How to identify String verities over known categories by Scripting dictionary?

I have a table that I need to add a restrict role to highlight the rows that contain a specific string type and release any rows that return with string verities.

the roles that I want to achieve are:

  • If all the rows under the same customer number are provisioned as "Bad" then this is OK.
  • If all the rows under the same customer number are mixed between "RR" & "Bad" then this is ok.
  • If all the rows under the same customer number are provisioned as "RR" then highlight these rows.

with excluding the rows that have Category "XO" and provisioned as "Exc" from the role

My table :

Customer Number Customer Name Invoice Provision Category
55850 ABC 124587 Exc XX
55850 ABC 124588 RR XX
55850 ABC 124589 RR XX
55850 ABC 124590 RR XX
55850 ABC 124591 RR XX
32336 DEF 124592 Bad XO
32336 DEF 124593 Bad XO
30131 GHI 124594 Exc XX
30131 GHI 124595 RR XX
30131 GHI 124596 RR XX
13914 JKL 124597 Exc XX
13914 JKL 124598 RR XX
13914 JKL 124599 Bad XX
13914 JKL 124600 RR XX

The code I have so far highlights if the rows provisioned as "RR" (which is needed) but still doesn't ignore the customer number that has a "Bad" row among the "RR" rows. your help is much appreciated and Please let me know if you need more clarification.

Option Explicit
Public Sub test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim z, y, rg, urg As Range
Dim r As Long, ar
Dim x As Variant: x = RGB(200, 205, 5)
Dim colDx, colTx, colvM As String
With ActiveSheet
   Dim tb As ListObject: Set tb = .ListObjects(1)
   Set z = tb.ListColumns("Customer Number").DataBodyRange
   Set y = tb.ListColumns("Category").DataBodyRange
  Set rg = Intersect(.UsedRange, .Range(z, y))
                ar = rg.Value
                 End With
 For r = 1 To UBound(ar) 'loop in the tb
    colDx = Trim(ar(r, tb.ListColumns("Provision").Index)) 'column provision
    colTx = Trim(ar(r, tb.ListColumns("Category").Index)) 'column category
    If UCase(colDx) <> "EXC" Then 'if not provision is Exc
    If UCase(colTx) = "XX" Then 'if the category is XX
    colDx = Trim(ar(r, tb.ListColumns("Provision").Index))
    colvM = Trim(ar(r, tb.ListColumns("Customer Number").Index))
       If dict.Exists(colvM) Then
           'if what stored in dict and the new value matching
              If StrComp(colDx, dict(colvM), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
               If urg Is Nothing Then
                 Set urg = rg.Rows(r)
                            Set urg = Union(urg, rg.Rows(r))
                          End If 'Urg
                      End If 'Strcomp
                       dict.Add colvM, colDx ' add the customer number and the provision
                  End If 'dict exists
          End If 'XX
    End If 'EXC
 Next r
 If Not urg Is Nothing Then
 rg.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
 urg.Interior.Color = x
 End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


    • Use two Dictionary objects to track the Provision of customers

    Microsoft documentation:

    Range.Resize property (Excel)

    Application.Union method (Excel)

    Option Explicit
    Sub Demo()
        Dim oDicBAD As Object, oDicRR As Object
        Dim i As Long, sKey As Variant, ColCnt As Long
        Dim arrData, oTab As ListObject, rngHL As Range, rngData As Range
        Dim ColCus As Long, ColPro As Long, ColCat As Long
        Set oTab = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)
        With oTab
            Set rngData = .DataBodyRange
            ColCus = .ListColumns("Customer Number").Index
            ColPro = .ListColumns("Provision").Index
            ColCat = .ListColumns("Category").Index
            ColCnt = .ListColumns.Count
        End With
        ' Load table into array
        arrData = rngData.Value
        Set oDicBAD = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        Set oDicRR = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        ' Loop through table
        For i = LBound(arrData) To UBound(arrData)
            sKey = arrData(i, ColCus)
            Select Case UCase(arrData(i, ColPro))
            Case "RR"
                If objDicRR.exists(sKey) Then
                    Set objDicRR(sKey) = Application.Union(objDicRR(sKey), rngData.Rows(i))
                    Set objDicRR(sKey) = rngData.Rows(i)
                End If
            Case "BAD"
                If Not oDicBAD.exists(sKey) Then
                    oDicBAD(sKey) = ""
                End If
            End Select
        Next i
        ' Loop through cust.
        For Each sKey In oDicRR.Keys
            If Not oDicBAD.exists(sKey) Then
                If rngHL Is Nothing Then
                    Set rngHL = oDicRR(sKey)
                    Set rngHL = Application.Union(rngHL, oDicRR(sKey))
                End If
            End If
        ' Highlight cust.
        rngData.Interior.Color = xlNone
        If Not rngHL Is Nothing Then
            rngHL.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 205, 5)
        End If
    End Sub

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