I am in an intro JS class and we are using APIs to create a web page. A user is supposed to select an option from the drop down menu, click the button and have information and pictures populated onto the screen.
I have it to where the information refreshes with every click, I just cannot get the pictures to refresh. They are just piling on to the next. I am looking for some type of loop maybe? to help refresh the pictures. I can show more code if necessary, I just figured these two functions were the problem functions.
Code Snippet
window.onload = () => {
const button = document.querySelector("#breed-info");
button.onclick = loadBreed;
async function fetchBreeds() {
const url = 'https://api.thecatapi.com/v1/breeds';
const config = {
method: "get",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-api-key": "<api-key>"
const response = await fetch(url, config);
const data = await response.json();
async function loadBreed() {
const breeds = document.querySelector("#breeds");
const url =
const config = {
method: "get",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-api-key": "<api-key>"
const response = await fetch(url, config);
const data = await response.json();
async function loadImages() {
const breeds = document.querySelector("#breeds");
const url = `https://api.thecatapi.com/v1/images/search?limit=10&breed_ids=${breeds.value}`;
const config = {
method: "get",
mode: "cors",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-api-key": "<api-key>"
const response = await fetch(url, config);
const data = await response.json();
function showCat(data) {
const catArea = document.querySelector("#bottom");
for (let catRecord of data) {
const image = document.createElement("img");
image.src = catRecord.url;
function breedName(data) {
const breeds = document.querySelector("#breeds");
for (let list of data) {
const catName = list.name;
let catID = list.id;
breeds.innerHTML += `<option value = "${catID}">${catName}</option`;
function breedInfo(data) {
const name = data.name;
const describe = data.description;
const origin = data.origin;
const lifeSpan = data.life_span;
let kidFriendly = data.child_friendly;
let dogFriendly = data.dog_friendly;
let energy = data.energy_level;
let social = data.social_needs;
const learn = data.wikipedia_url;
if (kidFriendly == 1) {
kidFriendly = "very unfriendly (1)";
} else if (kidFriendly == 2) {
kidFriendly = "unfriendly (2)"
} else if (kidFriendly == 3) {
kidFriendly = "indifferent (3)"
} else if (kidFriendly == 4) {
kidFriendly = "friendly (4)"
} else if (kidFriendly == 5) {
kidFriendly = "very friendly (5)"
if (dogFriendly == 1) {
dogFriendly = "very unfriendly (1)";
} else if (dogFriendly == 2) {
dogFriendly = "unfriendly (2)"
} else if (dogFriendly == 3) {
dogFriendly = "indifferent (3)"
} else if (dogFriendly == 4) {
dogFriendly = "friendly (4)"
} else if (dogFriendly == 5) {
dogFriendly = "very friendly (5)"
if (energy == 1) {
energy = "like a slot (1)";
} else if (energy == 2) {
energy = "slow moving(2)"
} else if (energy == 3) {
energy = "energetic (3)"
} else if (energy == 4) {
energy = "a ball of energy (4)"
} else if (energy == 5) {
energy = "bouncing of the walls (5)"
if (social == 1) {
social = "antisocial (1)";
} else if (social == 2) {
social = "a loner (2)"
} else if (social == 3) {
social = "indifferent (3)"
} else if (social == 4) {
social = "needs friends (4)"
} else if (social == 5) {
social = "very needy (5)"
document.querySelector("#name").innerHTML = `<span id="name">${name}</span>`;
document.querySelector("#description").innerHTML = `<span id="description">${describe}</span>`;
document.querySelector("#origin").innerHTML = `<span id="origin">${origin}</span>`;
document.querySelector("#life-span").innerHTML = `<span id="life-span">${lifeSpan} years</span>`;
document.querySelector("#child-friendly").innerHTML = `<span id="child-friendly">${kidFriendly}</span>`;
document.querySelector("#dog-friendly").innerHTML = `<span id="dog-friendly">${dogFriendly}</span>`;
document.querySelector("#energy-level").innerHTML = `<span id="energy-level">${energy}</span>`;
document.querySelector("#social-needs").innerHTML = `<span id="social-needs">${social}</span>`;
document.querySelector("#wiki").innerHTML = `<a id="wiki" href="${learn}">${learn}</a>`;
<section id="left">
<select id="breeds">
<button id="breed-info">Explore cat breed!</button>
<section id="right">
<p><label>Name:</label> <span id="name"></span></p>
<p><label>Description:</label> <span id="description"></span></p>
<p><label>Origin:</label> <span id="origin"></span></p>
<p><label>Life span:</label> <span id="life-span"></span></p>
<p><label>Child friendly:</label> <span id="child-friendly"></span></p>
<p><label>Dog friendly:</label> <span id="dog-friendly"></span></p>
<p><label>Energy level:</label> <span id="energy-level"></span></p>
<p><label>Social needs:</label> <span id="social-needs"></span></p>
<p><label>Learn more:</label>
<a id="wiki" href="#"></a>
<section id="bottom">
When you call showCat
you just keep appending children:
const catArea = document.querySelector("#bottom");
for (let catRecord of data) {
const image = document.createElement("img");
image.src = catRecord.url;
Sounds like you just need to clear the catArea first - you could do catArea.innerHTML = ''
, or you can use catArea.replaceChildren
, e.g.:
const catArea = document.querySelector("#bottom");
const images = data.map(catRecord => {
const image = document.createElement("img");
image.src = catRecord.url;
return image;
catArea.replaceChildren.apply(catArea, images);
Runnable example (using text):
const data = [{url: 'C'}, {url: 'D'}]
const catArea = document.querySelector("#bottom");
const replacements = data.map(catRecord => {
const image = document.createElement("span");
image.innerHTML = catRecord.url;
return image;
catArea.replaceChildren.apply(catArea, replacements)
<div id="bottom"><span>A</span><span>B</span></div>