I have created a user form with Vlookups to tell me alternative pantone colours to use.
This is working as expecting when I enter a numerical value I get alternatives (including text alternatives e.g 303 suggests 301 & black).
However, I get an error when I try to enter a colour in the initial search that includes text (e.g WG6).
If i remove "CLng" then it no longer works for my numerical values.
Anyone know what I have missed please?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Pantonetb_afterupdate()
With Me
.rp1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CLng(Me.Pantonetb), Sheets("live Pantones").Range("A:F"), 5, False)
.rp2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CLng(Me.Pantonetb), Sheets("Live Pantones").Range("A:F"), 6, False)
End With
End Sub
Appreciate any help.
Using my comment of using FIND
and this data:
Public Sub Test()
'Pass the value to search for and column to return.
Debug.Print MyLookUp(303, 1) 'Returns $B$3_Result
Debug.Print MyLookUp(303, 3) 'Returns $D$3_Result
Debug.Print MyLookUp("WG6", 2) 'Returns $C$5_Result
End Sub
Public Function MyLookUp(MyLookUpValue As String, ReturnColumn As Long) As String
Dim MyResult As Range
With Sheet1.Range("A3:A7")
'Search for the value.
Set MyResult = .Find(What:=MyLookUpValue, _
After:=.Cells(1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
'Short version of the Find line:
'Set MyResult = .Find(MyLookUpValue, .Cells(1, 1), xlValues, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlNext)
If Not MyResult Is Nothing Then 'Anything found?
MyLookUp = MyResult.Offset(, ReturnColumn) 'Offset from the found value by the specified number of columns.
End If
End With
End Function