I am using jQuery 3.7.1 to search for multiple span occurances with a class of "modified" and when found to have it remove the enclosing that has a class of "item".
This used to work before shadow Root, and would close all instances found in the HTML....
but doesn't anymore. I tried ....
but no luck there either. I have sample code below where I am looking for the span inside the open shadow root and trying to remove the enclosing div which is not in shadow root. I have only recently learned about shadow root and I'm mystified. Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Additionally I am trying to replicate the original functionality of finding all spans on a page that may contain "modified" and closing all enclosing divs with a class of "item"
<div class="item">
<a href="<SOME_LINK_HERE>" target="_blank">
<x-cover volume="Test" id="23310203">
#shadow-root (open)
<div class="show" id="div">
<span class="modified">Modified</span>
Update: Just learned that jQuery is incapable of penetrating a Shadow DOM so the solution seems to be something along the lines of ....
I'll update with a solution if I find one of course.
Using DSD - Declarative ShadowDOM shadowrootmode="open"
here to create one <x-cover>
<div class="item">
<a href="<SOME_LINK_HERE>" target="_blank">
<x-cover volume="Test" id="23310203">
<template shadowrootmode="open">
#shadow-root (open)
<div class="show" id="div">
<span class="modified">Modified</span>
// delete class="item" having class="modified" in shadowRoot
let x = document.body.querySelector("x-cover");
let modified = x.shadowRoot.querySelector("span.modified");
let host = modified.getRootNode().host; // same as x here
let div = host.closest("div.item");
// div.remove();
If you need to process multiple elements with shadowRoot, you have to dive into the DOM structure and handle each individually
const shadowDive = (
match = (m, r) => console.warn('match', m, r)
) => {
let root = el.shadowRoot || el;
root.querySelector(selector) && match(root.querySelector(selector), root);
[...root.children].map(el => shadowDive(el, selector, match));