I'm having another problem, consider this JSON:
"found": true,
"consultado": "00000000",
"nome": "EMPRESA DE CNPJ 00000000 LTDA",
"socio": [
"cpfCnpj": "11111111111",
"nome": "PESSOA DE CPF 11111111111",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio",
"outrasEmpresasSocio": [
"cnpj": "11111111",
"nome": "EMPRESA DE CNPJ 11111111 LTDA",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio-Administrador"
"cpfCnpj": "00000000000",
"nome": "PESSOA DE CPF 00000000000",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio-Administrador",
"outrasEmpresasSocio": [
"cnpj": "11111111",
"nome": "EMPRESA DE CNPJ 11111111 LTDA",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio-Administrador"
"cnpj": "22222222",
"nome": "EMPRESA DE CNPJ 22222222 LTDA",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio-Administrador"
"cnpj": "33333333",
"nome": "EMPRESA DE CNPJ 33333333 LTDA",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio-Administrador"
How do I go through it and get each field socio.cpfCnpj, socio.nome, socio.descricaoCargo and each socio.outrasEmpresasSocio.cnpj, socio.outrasEmpresasSocio.nome and socio.outrasEmpresasSocio.descricaoCargo.
The result should be:
"cpfCnpj": "11111111111",
"nome": "PESSOA DE CPF 11111111111",
"cnpj": "11111111",
"nome": "EMPRESA DE CNPJ 11111111 LTDA",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio-Administrador"
"cpfCnpj": "00000000000",
"nome": "PESSOA DE CPF 00000000000",
"cnpj": "11111111",
"nome": "EMPRESA DE CNPJ 11111111 LTDA",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio-Administrador"
"cpfCnpj": "00000000000",
"nome": "PESSOA DE CPF 00000000000",
"cnpj": "22222222",
"nome": "EMPRESA DE CNPJ 22222222 LTDA",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio-Administrador"
"cpfCnpj": "00000000000",
"nome": "PESSOA DE CPF 00000000000",
"cnpj": "33333333",
"nome": "EMPRESA DE CNPJ 33333333 LTDA",
"descricaoCargo": "Sócio-Administrador"
I still get lost trying to understand the #, @, &, () and [] functions in JOLT.
Could you help me with the problem and explain these functions to me, please?
What you need is to loop within the objects of the "outrasEmpresasSocio" arrays while bringing two attributes cpfCnpj
and nome
from two levels upper level( by using such as @2,cpfCnpj ), and separate the levels by using the indexes of the arrays "socio"
and "outrasEmpresasSocio"
for which going 1 and 3 levels up the tree would be needed, and combining them I got the common identifier &3_&1 such as
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"socio": {
"*": {
"outrasEmpresasSocio": {
"*": {
"@2,cpfCnpj": "&3_&1.cpfCnpj",
"@2,nome": "&3_&1.nomeOut",
"*": "&3_&1.&" // asterisk( "*" ) represents all elements within
// the current respective object
// & which stays at the rightmost represents
// the leaf node to replicate the value of the current
// attribute, indeed & is identical to &0 where
// zero means the current level
{ // get rid of the object keys
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": "[]"