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JSON Body request to be sent as encodedurl postman

I have a request which need to be sent in Postman as urlencoded value like in the following (I changed some value just to be sure is not sensitive data)


The same need to be prepared in its decoded form which is

[{"clientFileUuid": "123456-fc21-496d-96d4-dfgfdgdfgfgd","id":"12345678", "date": "2023-12-04T09:31:02.678871Z" ,"event":"ACCEPTATION", "externalId": "222222222-fc21-496d-96d4-a00bd36a0be0"}]

How can I prepare the decoded request to be sent in encoded form like above? Is there any pre-request script we can configure to achieve the goal?

I tried with x-www-form-urlencoded variables, I tried to create a request in the pre-request but I'm not succeeding. In general this: notifications=[{"field" : "value"}] it comes difficult to me to be configured. Any idea ?


  • Use JSON.stringify() to convert to JSON, then encodeURIComponent() to URL-encode it.

    const notifications = [{
      "clientFileUuid": "123456-fc21-496d-96d4-dfgfdgdfgfgd",
      "id": "12345678",
      "date": "2023-12-04T09:31:02.678871Z",
      "event": "ACCEPTATION",
      "externalId": "222222222-fc21-496d-96d4-a00bd36a0be0"
    let encoded = encodeURIComponent("notifications=\n" + JSON.stringify(notifications));