If have a Java class with some fields I want to validate using Hibernate Validator. Now I want my users to be able to configure at runtime which validations take place.
For example:
public class MyPojo {
String void getMyField() {
Let's say I want to remove the NotEmpty
check or replace it with Email
or CreditCardNumber
, how can I do it? Is it even possible? I guess it comes down to changing annotations at runtime...
You can't do it normally.
Here's what I've done to get more dynamic validations working via Hibernate Validator.
class.getInvalidVaues(Object myObj)
method. First, call super.getInvalidValues(myObj)
, then add the hook to your customized validation.getInvalidValues
to validate. Any hibernate annotated validations will kick off at this point, and your custom dynamic validations (anything not supported by annotations) will kick off as well.Example:
public class MyObjectValidator extends ClassValidator<MyObject>
public MyObjectValidator()
public InvalidValue[] getInvalidValues(MyObject myObj)
List<InvalidValue> invalids = new ArrayList<InvalidValue>();
// add custom validations here
InvalidValue[] results = new InvalidValue[invalids.size()];
return invalids.toArray(results);
private List<InvalidValue> validateDynamicStuff(MyObject myObj)
// ... whatever validations you want ...
So your custom validation code can contain logic like "Do this validation, if the user configured it, otherwise do that one", etc. You may or may not be able to leverage the same code that powers the hibernate validations, but either way, what you are doing is more involved that the 'normal' use case for hibernate validator.