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Does PTX (8.4) not cover smaller-shape WMMA instructions?

I want to use a SASS instruction which (AFAICT) is not available via a PTX instruction as of CUDA 12.4. Namely, suppose it is: HMMA.16816.F16 - a warp-wide matrix-multiply-and-add, of half-precision data, with shape M=16, N=8, K=16 (IIANM).

The CUDA PTX ISA guide for CUDA 12.4 indicates in Section that at FP16 precision, we only have PTX WMMA instructions with shape (M,N,K) being one of (16, 16, 16) or (32, 8, 16) or (8, 32, 16) - nothing smaller. But Section says that smaller matrix shapes - (16, 8, 16), (16, 8, 8) and (8, 8, 4) - Are supported.

Trying to use the intrinsics corresponding to these smaller shapes, e.g.:


results in an error:

mma-smaller.hpp(86): error: identifier "__hmma_m16n8k16_ld_a" is undefined
      __hmma_m16n8k16_ld_a((int*)&a, (const int*)p, ldm, 0);

So are these shapes supported in PTX, or are they not?

Note: I'm using an Ampere GPU.


  • TL;DR: You can issue such a SASS instruction through appropriate choice of a PTX-level mma instruction (not wmma), but there is no corresponding C++ intrinsic documented to do that, AFAIK, at this time.

    Longer: Let's start with some general background to disentangle some of these ideas. The mma class of instruction are there primarily to exercise tensorcore units, which provide hardware accelerated matrix-matrix multiply operations.

    • tensorcore ops are exposed at the PTX level in several classes of instruction types:, mma, and wgmma.mma_async.
    • The instructions are distinguished by the fact that they also have corresponding matrix load and store instructions - they do not expose the per-thread register storage footprint directly. The mma instructions, on the other hand, take PTX register input/output directly.
    • intrinsics refer to things at the C++ level. They do not directly refer to PTX.
    • studying the intrinsics it eventually becomes clear that only wmma style operations are documented - that is a subset of possible tensorcore ops, and that subset corresponds to the PTX instructions, and that subset is also distinguished by the fact that matrix load/store functions are used, not direct register manipulation.
    • furthermore, all documented C++ instrinsics for tensorcore access are of the form wmma:mma_sync(...). There are no intrinsics documented in the C++ programming guide that look like __hmma_m16n8k16_ld_a
    • the supported shapes available for C++ intrinsic usage are documented and do not include 16x8x16 (M,N,K) (for 16-bit floating point) (currently)
    • a study of the progression of documentation from CUDA 9.0 until now will demonstrate that for a given chip/architecture, new tensorcore functionality may be exposed in later CUDA versions or later PTX versions. So PTX version matters, and you refer to PTX version 8.3 in the question title, but link to version 8.4, which is also consistent with CUDA 12.4 that you mention in your question.

    Does PTX (8.3) not cover smaller-shape WMMA instructions?

    Yes, you can issue a 16x8x16 (M,N,K) 16-bit floating point tensorcore op using PTX. It cannot be directly done using a (documented) C++ intrinsic, and in PTX I wouldn't use a instruction for it, I would use this mma PTX instruction - mma.m16n8k16 . A detailed description for this with PTX register layout is here. An instruction-skeleton example is given here. The "target ISA notes" section later in that link provides hardware support info. Of note:

    .f16 floating point type mma operation with .m16n8k16 shape requires sm_80 or higher.

    Here is a complete example (a modification of what I depicted here):

    # cat
    #include <mma.h>
    #include <cuda_fp16.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdio.h>
    __global__ void mma_fp16_acc_fp32(float *out) {
        float c[4] = {0., 0., 0., 0.};
        float d[4] = {0., 0., 0., 0.};
        half a[8] = {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.};
        half b[4] = {1., 1., 1., 1.};
        // the above would set our input matrices to all 1
        // now lets modify some values
        if (threadIdx.x%4 == 0) {
        // set the first column of A to be 0, 1, 2, 3, ... 15
          a[0] = threadIdx.x/4; a[2] = threadIdx.x/4 + 8;
        // set the second row of B to 3,3,3, ... 3
          b[1] = 3;}
        unsigned const *A = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const *>(&a);
        unsigned const *B = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const *>(&b);
        float const *C = reinterpret_cast<float const *>(&c);
        float *D = reinterpret_cast<float *>(&d);
          "mma.sync.aligned.m16n8k16.row.col.f32.f16.f16.f32 "
          "{%0,%1,%2,%3}, {%4,%5,%6,%7}, {%8,%9}, {%10,%11,%12,%13};\n"
          : "=f"(D[0]), "=f"(D[1]), "=f"(D[2]), "=f"(D[3])
            "r"(A[0]), "r"(A[1]), "r"(A[2]), "r"(A[3]),
            "r"(B[0]), "r"(B[1]),
            "f"(C[0]), "f"(C[1]), "f"(C[2]), "f"(C[3])
        memcpy(out+threadIdx.x*2, D, 8);
        memcpy(out+8*8+threadIdx.x*2, D+2, 8);
    int main() {
        float* h_C = (float*)malloc(16*8*sizeof(float));
        float* d_C;
        cudaMalloc(&d_C, 16*8*sizeof(float));
        mma_fp16_acc_fp32<<<1, 32>>>(d_C);
        cudaMemcpy(h_C, d_C, 16*8*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++){
          for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) std::cout << h_C[i*8+j] << " ";
          std::cout << std::endl;}
    # nvcc -o t153 -arch=sm_89
    # compute-sanitizer ./t153
    17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
    18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
    19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
    20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
    21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
    22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
    23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
    24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
    25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
    26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
    27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
    28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
    29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29
    30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
    31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
    32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
    ========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors

    As indicated in the link I provided, these tensorcore ops compute:

    D = A*B+C

    In the above example, I have chosen to use/declare A and B as 16-bit floating point, whereas C and D are 32-bit floating point.

    If we disassemble the above built code, we observe the following, indicating the SASS level tensorcore op in use:

    # cuobjdump -sass ./t153
    Fatbin elf code:
    arch = sm_89
    code version = [1,7]
    host = linux
    compile_size = 64bit
            code for sm_89
    Fatbin elf code:
    arch = sm_89
    code version = [1,7]
    host = linux
    compile_size = 64bit
            code for sm_89
                    Function : _Z17mma_fp16_acc_fp32Pf
            /*0000*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R1, RZ, RZ, c[0x0][0x28] ;    /* 0x00000a00ff017624 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fc400078e00ff */
            /*0010*/                   S2R R9, SR_TID.X ;                         /* 0x0000000000097919 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000e220000002100 */
            /*0020*/                   HADD2 R3, -RZ.H0_H0, 1, 1 ;                /* 0x3c003c00ff037430 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000000900 */
            /*0030*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R5, RZ, RZ, 0x3c00 ;          /* 0x00003c00ff057424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe200078e00ff */
            /*0040*/                   ULDC.64 UR4, c[0x0][0x118] ;               /* 0x0000460000047ab9 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000000a00 */
            /*0050*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R14, RZ, RZ, 0x3c003c00 ;     /* 0x3c003c00ff0e7424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe400078e00ff */
            /*0060*/                   PRMT R0, R3.reuse, 0x7610, R0 ;            /* 0x0000761003007816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x040fe20000000000 */
            /*0070*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R15, RZ, RZ, 0x3c003c00 ;     /* 0x3c003c00ff0f7424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe200078e00ff */
            /*0080*/                   PRMT R2, R3, 0x7610, R2 ;                  /* 0x0000761003027816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe40000000002 */
            /*0090*/                   LOP3.LUT P0, RZ, R9, 0x3, RZ, 0xc0, !PT ;  /* 0x0000000309ff7812 */
                                                                                  /* 0x001fda000780c0ff */
            /*00a0*/              @!P0 SHF.R.U32.HI R4, RZ, 0x2, R9 ;             /* 0x00000002ff048819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000011609 */
            /*00b0*/              @!P0 I2F.F16 R3, 0x3 ;                          /* 0x0000000300038906 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe60000200c00 */
            /*00c0*/              @!P0 IADD3 R8, R4, 0x8, RZ ;                    /* 0x0000000804088810 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fca0007ffe0ff */
            /*00d0*/              @!P0 I2F.F16.U32 R0, R4 ;                       /* 0x0000000400008306 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000e300000200800 */
            /*00e0*/              @!P0 I2F.F16.U32 R2, R8 ;                       /* 0x0000000800028306 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000e620000200800 */
            /*00f0*/                   PRMT R0, R0, 0x5410, R5 ;                  /* 0x0000541000007816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x001fe20000000005 */
            /*0100*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R5, RZ, RZ, 0x3c003c00 ;      /* 0x3c003c00ff057424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fc600078e00ff */
            /*0110*/                   PRMT R4, R0, 0x5432, R3 ;                  /* 0x0000543200047816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000000003 */
            /*0120*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R12, RZ, RZ, R0.reuse ;       /* 0x000000ffff0c7224 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe400078e0000 */
            /*0130*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R3, RZ, RZ, 0x4 ;             /* 0x00000004ff037424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe200078e00ff */
            /*0140*/                   PRMT R13, R2, 0x7610, R0 ;                 /* 0x00007610020d7816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x002fe20000000000 */
            /*0150*/                   IMAD.SHL.U32 R2, R9, 0x2, RZ ;             /* 0x0000000209027824 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fc800078e00ff */
            /*0160*/                   IMAD.WIDE.U32 R2, R2, R3, c[0x0][0x160] ;  /* 0x0000580002027625 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe400078e0003 */
            /*0170*/                   HMMA.16816.F32 R4, R12, R4, RZ ;           /* 0x000000040c04723c */
                                                                                  /* 0x000f5e00000018ff */
            /*0180*/                   NOP ;                                      /* 0x0000000000007918 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fd00000000000 */
            /*0190*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x4], R5 ;                 /* 0x0000040502007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x0201e2000c101104 */
            /*01a0*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R15, RZ, 0x18, R5.reuse ;     /* 0x00000018ff0f7819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe40000011605 */
            /*01b0*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R17, RZ, 0x10, R5.reuse ;     /* 0x00000010ff117819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe20000011605 */
            /*01c0*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64], R4 ;                     /* 0x0000000402007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe2000c101104 */
            /*01d0*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R19, RZ, 0x8, R5 ;            /* 0x00000008ff137819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe40000011605 */
            /*01e0*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R9, RZ, 0x18, R4.reuse ;      /* 0x00000018ff097819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe20000011604 */
            /*01f0*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x100], R6 ;               /* 0x0001000602007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe2000c101104 */
            /*0200*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R11, RZ, 0x10, R4.reuse ;     /* 0x00000010ff0b7819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe40000011604 */
            /*0210*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R13, RZ, 0x8, R4 ;            /* 0x00000008ff0d7819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000011604 */
            /*0220*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x104], R7 ;               /* 0x0001040702007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe2000c101104 */
            /*0230*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R21, RZ, 0x18, R6 ;           /* 0x00000018ff157819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fc40000011606 */
            /*0240*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R23, RZ, 0x10, R6.reuse ;     /* 0x00000010ff177819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe20000011606 */
            /*0250*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x3], R9 ;                 /* 0x0000030902007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe2000c101104 */
            /*0260*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R25, RZ, 0x8, R6 ;            /* 0x00000008ff197819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe40000011606 */
            /*0270*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R27, RZ, 0x18, R7.reuse ;     /* 0x00000018ff1b7819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe20000011607 */
            /*0280*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x2], R11 ;                /* 0x0000020b02007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe2000c101104 */
            /*0290*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R29, RZ, 0x10, R7.reuse ;     /* 0x00000010ff1d7819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe40000011607 */
            /*02a0*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R5, RZ, 0x8, R7 ;             /* 0x00000008ff057819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x001fe20000011607 */
            /*02b0*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x1], R13 ;                /* 0x0000010d02007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*02c0*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x7], R15 ;                /* 0x0000070f02007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*02d0*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x6], R17 ;                /* 0x0000061102007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*02e0*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x5], R19 ;                /* 0x0000051302007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*02f0*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x103], R21 ;              /* 0x0001031502007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*0300*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x102], R23 ;              /* 0x0001021702007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*0310*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x101], R25 ;              /* 0x0001011902007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*0320*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x107], R27 ;              /* 0x0001071b02007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*0330*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x106], R29 ;              /* 0x0001061d02007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*0340*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x105], R5 ;               /* 0x0001050502007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe2000c101104 */
            /*0350*/                   EXIT ;                                     /* 0x000000000000794d */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fea0003800000 */
            /*0360*/                   BRA 0x360;                                 /* 0xfffffff000007947 */
    Fatbin ptx code:
    arch = sm_89
    code version = [8,2]
    host = linux
    compile_size = 64bit

    The indicated tensorcore SASS instruction is HMMA.16816.F32 R4, R12, R4, RZ

    If you want to see HMMA.16816.F16, then switch the C and D matrices to 16-bit float, and modify the PTX instruction accordingly. Something like this:

    # cat
    #include <mma.h>
    #include <cuda_fp16.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdio.h>
    __global__ void mma_fp16_acc_fp32(float *out) {
        half c[4] = {0., 0., 0., 0.};
        half d[4] = {0., 0., 0., 0.};
        half a[8] = {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.};
        half b[4] = {1., 1., 1., 1.};
        // the above would set our input matrices to all 1
        // now lets modify some values
        if (threadIdx.x%4 == 0) {
        // set the first column of A to be 0, 1, 2, 3, ... 15
          a[0] = threadIdx.x/4; a[2] = threadIdx.x/4 + 8;
        // set the second row of B to 3,3,3, ... 3
          b[1] = 3;}
        unsigned const *A = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const *>(&a);
        unsigned const *B = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const *>(&b);
        unsigned const *C = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const *>(&c);
        unsigned *D = reinterpret_cast<unsigned *>(&d);
          "mma.sync.aligned.m16n8k16.row.col.f16.f16.f16.f16 "
          "{%0,%1}, {%2,%3,%4,%5}, {%6,%7}, {%8,%9};\n"
          : "=r"(D[0]), "=r"(D[1])
            "r"(A[0]), "r"(A[1]), "r"(A[2]), "r"(A[3]),
            "r"(B[0]), "r"(B[1]),
            "r"(C[0]), "r"(C[1])
    int main() {
    # nvcc -o t154 -arch=sm_89
    # cuobjdump -sass ./t154
    Fatbin elf code:
    arch = sm_89
    code version = [1,7]
    host = linux
    compile_size = 64bit
            code for sm_89
    Fatbin elf code:
    arch = sm_89
    code version = [1,7]
    host = linux
    compile_size = 64bit
            code for sm_89
                    Function : _Z17mma_fp16_acc_fp32Pf
            /*0000*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R1, RZ, RZ, c[0x0][0x28] ;    /* 0x00000a00ff017624 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fc400078e00ff */
            /*0010*/                   S2R R8, SR_TID.X ;                         /* 0x0000000000087919 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000e220000002100 */
            /*0020*/                   HADD2 R3, -RZ.H0_H0, 1, 1 ;                /* 0x3c003c00ff037430 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000000900 */
            /*0030*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R6, RZ, RZ, 0x3c00 ;          /* 0x00003c00ff067424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe200078e00ff */
            /*0040*/                   ULDC.64 UR4, c[0x0][0x118] ;               /* 0x0000460000047ab9 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000000a00 */
            /*0050*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R7, RZ, RZ, 0x3c003c00 ;      /* 0x3c003c00ff077424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe400078e00ff */
            /*0060*/                   PRMT R0, R3.reuse, 0x7610, R0 ;            /* 0x0000761003007816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x040fe20000000000 */
            /*0070*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R14, RZ, RZ, 0x3c003c00 ;     /* 0x3c003c00ff0e7424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe200078e00ff */
            /*0080*/                   PRMT R2, R3, 0x7610, R2 ;                  /* 0x0000761003027816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000000002 */
            /*0090*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R15, RZ, RZ, 0x3c003c00 ;     /* 0x3c003c00ff0f7424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe200078e00ff */
            /*00a0*/                   LOP3.LUT P0, RZ, R8, 0x3, RZ, 0xc0, !PT ;  /* 0x0000000308ff7812 */
                                                                                  /* 0x001fda000780c0ff */
            /*00b0*/              @!P0 SHF.R.U32.HI R4, RZ, 0x2, R8 ;             /* 0x00000002ff048819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000011608 */
            /*00c0*/              @!P0 I2F.F16 R3, 0x3 ;                          /* 0x0000000300038906 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe60000200c00 */
            /*00d0*/              @!P0 IADD3 R5, R4, 0x8, RZ ;                    /* 0x0000000804058810 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fca0007ffe0ff */
            /*00e0*/              @!P0 I2F.F16.U32 R0, R4 ;                       /* 0x0000000400008306 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000e300000200800 */
            /*00f0*/              @!P0 I2F.F16.U32 R2, R5 ;                       /* 0x0000000500028306 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000e620000200800 */
            /*0100*/                   PRMT R0, R0, 0x5410, R6 ;                  /* 0x0000541000007816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x001fc80000000006 */
            /*0110*/                   PRMT R6, R0, 0x5432, R3 ;                  /* 0x0000543200067816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000000003 */
            /*0120*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R12, RZ, RZ, R0.reuse ;       /* 0x000000ffff0c7224 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe400078e0000 */
            /*0130*/                   IMAD.MOV.U32 R3, RZ, RZ, 0x4 ;             /* 0x00000004ff037424 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe200078e00ff */
            /*0140*/                   PRMT R13, R2, 0x7610, R0 ;                 /* 0x00007610020d7816 */
                                                                                  /* 0x002fe20000000000 */
            /*0150*/                   IMAD.SHL.U32 R2, R8, 0x2, RZ ;             /* 0x0000000208027824 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fc800078e00ff */
            /*0160*/                   IMAD.WIDE.U32 R2, R2, R3, c[0x0][0x160] ;  /* 0x0000580002027625 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe400078e0003 */
            /*0170*/                   HMMA.16816.F16 R6, R12, R6, RZ ;           /* 0x000000060c06723c */
                                                                                  /* 0x000f5e00000008ff */
            /*0180*/                   NOP ;                                      /* 0x0000000000007918 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fd00000000000 */
            /*0190*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64], R6 ;                     /* 0x0000000602007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x020fe2000c101104 */
            /*01a0*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R5, RZ, 0x18, R6.reuse ;      /* 0x00000018ff057819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe40000011606 */
            /*01b0*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R9, RZ, 0x10, R6.reuse ;      /* 0x00000010ff097819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe20000011606 */
            /*01c0*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x4], R7 ;                 /* 0x0000040702007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe2000c101104 */
            /*01d0*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R11, RZ, 0x8, R6 ;            /* 0x00000008ff0b7819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe40000011606 */
            /*01e0*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R13, RZ, 0x18, R7.reuse ;     /* 0x00000018ff0d7819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe20000011607 */
            /*01f0*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x3], R5 ;                 /* 0x0000030502007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe2000c101104 */
            /*0200*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R15, RZ, 0x10, R7.reuse ;     /* 0x00000010ff0f7819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x100fe40000011607 */
            /*0210*/                   SHF.R.U32.HI R17, RZ, 0x8, R7 ;            /* 0x00000008ff117819 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe20000011607 */
            /*0220*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x2], R9 ;                 /* 0x0000020902007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*0230*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x1], R11 ;                /* 0x0000010b02007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*0240*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x7], R13 ;                /* 0x0000070d02007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*0250*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x6], R15 ;                /* 0x0000060f02007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe8000c101104 */
            /*0260*/                   STG.E.U8 [R2.64+0x5], R17 ;                /* 0x0000051102007986 */
                                                                                  /* 0x000fe2000c101104 */
            /*0270*/                   EXIT ;                                     /* 0x000000000000794d */

    (I have removed non-essential lines due to hitting the character limit in my answer).