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Clarifying memory transactions in CUDA

I am confused about the following statements in the CUDA programming guide 4.0 section in the chapter of Performance Guidelines.

Global memory resides in device memory and device memory is accessed via 32-, 64-, or 128-byte memory transactions.

These memory transactions must be naturally aligned:Only the 32-, 64- , 128- byte segments of device memory that are aligned to their size (i.e. whose first address is a multiple of their size) can be read or written by memory transactions.

Question Part 1: My understanding of device memory was that accesses to the device memory by threads is uncached: So if thread accesses memory location a[i] it will fetch only a[i] and none of the values around a[i]. So the first statement seems to contradict this. Or perhaps I am misunderstanding the usage of the phrase "memory transaction" here?

Question Part 2: The second sentence does not seem very clear. Can someone explain this?


    1. Memory transactions are performed per warp. So 32 byte transactions is a warp sized read of an 8 bit type, 64 byte transactions is a warp sized read of an 16 bit type, and 128 byte transactions is a warp sized read of an 32 bit type.
    2. It just means that all reads have to be aligned to a natural word size boundary. It is not possible for a warp to read a 128 byte transaction with a one byte offset. See this answer for more details.