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Adding a Future<String> to a NotifierProvider in flutter app

I am adding a new client document to my Cloud Firestore DB. After I add the document I need to get the new document id so I can use it to link that client to a new transaction.

The way I have been trying to do this is to get the documentId right after it is created.

Here is how I am doing this right now.

This is where I create the client document:

Future<String?> clientId =

The function above calls this function below. I get a Future back but I don't see any documentId in the Future when I look at in the debugger.

  Future<String?> saveNewClient(client) async {
    // Get the document ID of the new document so it can be
    // added to the new transaction document.
    try {
      /// You can generate a document id before the create operate
      String id = _db.collection("client").doc().id;

      /// pass the generated id to the doc reference and set it
      /// .toMap() -> Assuming your client isn't of type map
      await _db.collection('client').doc(id).set(client.toMap());

      /// upon success return the id
      return id;
    } catch (e) {

      /// or return null if the operation failed
      return null;

As far as I can tell the above function works correctly in that there are no error thrown but I don't see any value for the documented. The document get created in Firebase.

This is what I see in the debugger:

enter image description here

After I get the documentId back, I want to save the documentId into the clientNotifierProvider. So, right after I execute the "save" from the first code snippet above I want to execute this code: as String);

How do I get the documentId so I can insert it into the clientNotifierProvider? Thanks


  • Instead of

    Future<String?> clientId= firestoreService.saveNewClient(toMap(newClient);

    Await the future use this to get the unboxed future:

    String? clientId = await

    Then update the provider:

    if(clients != null){;