Search code examples

How to count number of messages in firebasefirestore collection in flutter

enter image description hereI am trying to make a chat app with the help of a channel,

there is a search page where I search user to chat,

If I tap on user, a new windows will be created if no previous chat found,

and if not chatting first time, will use existing chatroom

code is running well, but I want some implement ,

if I search a user and tap on him, and than I go back without chatting, created new room should be deleted.... so that I need number of message's logic...

how to implement to achieve it

Future<ChatRoomModel?> getchatroom(UserModel targetuser) async {
    ChatRoomModel? chatroom;

    //here i feel something wrong as even if blocked chatroom, window should be open
    QuerySnapshot querysnapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
        .where("participants.${targetuser.uid}", isEqualTo: true)
        .where("participants.${widget.userModel.uid}", isEqualTo: true)

    if ( > 0) {
      var docdata =[0].data();

      ChatRoomModel existingchatroom =
          ChatRoomModel.fromMap(docdata as Map<String, dynamic>);

      chatroom = existingchatroom;
    } else {
      //creating new chat room
      ChatRoomModel newchatroommodel = ChatRoomModel(
          participants: {
            widget.userModel.uid.toString(): true,
            targetuser.uid.toString(): true,
          lastMessage: "Say Hi");

      await FirebaseFirestore.instance
      chatroom = newchatroommodel;
      print("Created success");

    return chatroom;


  • Delete your whole chat via 'ChatRoomId'

        .then((value_2) {
       print('========> successfully deleted');