I'm on process which connect Eclipse projects to Github
My projects has made as Dynamic web project
I uploaded my files on Github(using push) and cloned it on other computer
But as I know, When you share your project through your teammates, you don't need to share .classpath or buildpath things..
so I maed my gitIgnore file from the website that I can make it (used keywords 'Windows, Eclipse, Maven, Java ...')
Clone whole folder has done completely well, but after that when I tried to open my workspace there is nothing and I cannot see my projects there.
so I tried all 'import project' menus but it says 'no projects found'
** People here advised if there is no .classpath files you cannot import projects. but Gitignore has those files to ignore.**
How can I import those projects without .classpath files .. ??
All import projects from.. menus
You can import an "existing Maven project". This will use Maven's pom.xml to recreate Eclipse's required files (not only .classpath), and it's a good idea to do so (e.g. use maven or any other build tools), as your project can be built anywhere.