I have solve this topic (json template reference to an object variable;) and my problem is now a bit related to previous topic because I need somehow to use same template json used in the generator powershell script below:
function DownloadLogicAppJson([string] $resourceGroup, [string] $logicAppName, [string] $fileName) {
Write-Host "Downloading Logic App: $logicAppName"
Write-Host 'Resource Group:' $resourceGroup
Write-Host 'Output File: ' $fileName
$logicApp = Get-AzLogicApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $logicAppName
$logicAppText = $logicApp.Definition.ToString()
$logicAppDefinition = $logicApp.Definition
$logicAppText = $logicAppText -replace '"timeZone": ".*?"', '"timeZone": "${scheduleTimezone}"' #timezone is a String variable;
$logicAppText = $logicAppText -replace '"body": .*?,', '"body": ${requestBody},' #requestBody is an Object variable;
#$logicAppText = $logicAppText -replace '"hours": [.*]', '"hours": [$scheduleHour]' #a string variable;
$logicAppDefinition = $logicAppText | ConvertFrom-Json
$logicAppText = $logicAppDefinition | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
$logicAppText | Out-File -FilePath .\$fileName
Write-Host "Logic App definition JSON downloaded and saved to: $fileName"
DownloadLogicAppJson -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -logicAppName $logicAppName -fileName $outputFileName
My problem is on that variable scheduleHours and requestBody because they cannot be treated as I deployed my initial json when I deployed logic app: Initially (solution agreed):
"recurrence": { "frequency": "Day", "interval": 1, "schedule": { "hours": [ ${scheduleHour} #WITHOUT DOUBLEQUOTES; here is a number var; ], "minutes": [ ${scheduleMinute} #WITHOUT DOUBLEQUOTES; here is a number var; ] }, "timeZone": "${scheduleTimezone}" #here is a string, works; }, "type": "Recurrence"
After I deployed the above code-part, I have in Azure Portal in Logic App code view like:
"recurrence": { "frequency": "Day", "interval": 1, "schedule": { "hours": [ 15 ], "minutes": [ 0 ] }, "timeZone": "W. Europe Standard Time"
Ok, If I run the above powershell script to generate the new JSON template from the portal logic app, it takes as it is with values but I need to be parameterized because I have more than 1 logic app and they have different values because I have there different tfvars used for each environment. I want to be a general template generated parameterized, not with values.
*I know the JSON deployed initially is not a good because it has no "" used for scheduleHours , but it works to be deployed and to reference that values of $scheduleHours . How can I do in powershell this replacement?
I've tried also with:
$logicAppText = $logicAppText -replace '"hours": [.*?]', '"hours": [${scheduleHour}]' -> generating as "hours": [15]
I need to generate it as: "hours": ${scheduleHour}
I've tried another approach:
$logicAppDefinition = $logicApp.Definition $logicAppDefinition.triggers.Recurrence.recurrence.schedule.hours = @($scheduleHour) -> generates "hours": [ null ];
Tried to escape like: $logicAppText = $logicAppText -replace '"hours": [.*?]', '"hours": [`${scheduleHour}]' but not working, it generates with value 15;
I am not sure also about [.*?] is right one;
I tried with: $logicAppDefinition.triggers.Recurrence.recurrence.schedule.hours = @('$scheduleHour') not working as expecting because it generates:"hours": [ "$scheduleHour" ] where I need without double quotes, like $scheduleHour
I tried with:
$logicAppDefinition.triggers.Recurrence.recurrence.schedule.hours = @('$scheduleHour')
not working as expecting because it generates:"hours": [ "$scheduleHour" ]
where I need without double quotes, like$scheduleHour
I'd go for this approach and then use -replace
to remove the "
's around the variable expressions afterwards:
$logicAppDefinition = $logicApp.Definition
$logicAppDefinition.triggers.Recurrence.recurrence.schedule.hours = @('$scheduleHour')
# use regex to replace `"$scheduleHour"` with `$scheduleHour`
$logicAppUpdatedText = ($logicAppDefinition |ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100) -replace '"$(\w+)"','$$$1'
$logicAppUpdatedText |Out-File -FilePath .\$fileName