I have to place a structure in a precise position in the memory and I have to find the solution using the linker. (We are talking about C code for embedded systems)
the structure is declared as follows:
const conf_t gv_confReg;
typedef struct
int val1;
int val2;
} conf_t;
extern const conf_t gv_confReg;
I wrote on Makefile:
CFLAGS= -g -DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) -I $(INC) -Xlinker -Map=$(OBJ)/out.map -T linker.ld
$(OBJ)/config.o: $(SRC)/config.c $(INC)/conf.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
I wrote on linker.ld:
PROM (r) : ORIGIN = 0x40000000, LENGTH = 256k
.data : {
} > PROM : ADDR = 0x40000000
.init_array : {
PROVIDE(__init_array_start = .);
PROVIDE(__init_array_end = .);
however when I go to examine the addresses, I find that gv_confReg
is not at the address 0x40000000.
where am I wrong?
Thank you
To have the struct initialized at that specific address, a memory area must be created specifically for it. E.g. as follows (adjust the size as needed):
CONF (r) : ORIGIN = 0x40000000, LENGTH = 256
PROM (r) : ORIGIN = 0x40000100, LENGTH = 256k-256
.conf :
KEEP (*(.conf*));
Then tell the compiler to create the struct in that area. The notation is compiler-specific. For GCC:
__attribute__((section(".conf"))) const conf_t gv_confReg = {1, 2};