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Monad Map with two values in Java Functional Programming

Forgive me if this is a basic question in FP. Let's consider Optional monad. I know I can use map to transform an Optional to another Optional based on a function (which will be called if optional has a value). But what if I have a function with two inputs, not one?

For example:

var data = Optional.of(100);
var result = -> x * 2); //all good!

But what about:

int getData(Connection conn, int data) { ... }

var data = Optional.of(100);
var connection = getOptionalDataConnection();
var result = -> getData(connection?, i));  //this does not work as the getData function only accepts non-optionals

I'm sure there is a term for this in FP world I'm just not familiar with it. But the idea is I have a map function which accepts "two" inputs, rather than one. And I want a helper/utility/... that will call my function if both inputs are there. But if any of them is "empty" should return Optional.empty().

What is this called and does Java support this?


  • What is this called and does Java support this?

    This is called a monad, and yes, Java supports it via the flatMap function (monadic bind). Here demonstrated with just two optional integers:

    var xo = Optional.of(100);
    var yo = Optional.of(2);
    var result = xo.flatMap(x -> -> x * y));

    In this example, result is an Optional value holding the integer 200.

    For the particular example in the OP, you actually don't need a monad, since using the capabilities of the Maybe/Optional applicative functor would be sufficient. I'm not well-versed in the Java ecosystem, however, and I don't see any apply-like methods in the API documentation. You could probably write it yourself, but my experience from Java's cousin language C# tells me that applicative functors are awkward in such languages.