How to pass property (SomeProperty) from ParentUserControl context to DependencyProperty (MyDProperty) of the ChildUserControl?
In XAML, it should be: <uc:ChildUserControl MyDProperty="{Binding SomeProperty}"> but, for some reason, MyDProperty never gets set with Parent.DataContext.SomeProperty.
In my case, I'm passing an Action, but that's not important. I think the issue lies in the binding.
public Action RemoveEsl1 => throw new NotImplementedException();
<uc:ChildUserControl Title="ESL 1" RemoveEslAction="{Binding RemoveEsl1}" DataContext="{Binding Esl1}"/>
public static readonly DependencyProperty RemoveEslActionProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(RemoveEslAction), typeof(Action), typeof(ChildUserControl), new PropertyMetadata(delegate { }));
public Action RemoveEslAction
get => (Action)GetValue(RemoveEslActionProperty);
set => SetValue(RemoveEslActionProperty, value);
I found various tips here, but none of them either suited me or worked.
Answering my own question (check ParentUserControl):
public class RootModel : ViewModelBase
private ParentModel parentModel = new();
public ParentModel ParentModel { get => parentModel; set => RisePropertyChanged(ref parentModel, value); }
public class ParentModel : ViewModelBase
private ChildModel childModel = new();
public ChildModel ChildModel { get => childModel; set => RisePropertyChanged(ref childModel, value); }
public string ParentModelProperty => "Correct value from ParentModel";
public class ChildModel : ViewModelBase
private string childModelProperty = "Wrong default value from ChildModel";
public string ChildModelProperty { get => childModelProperty; set => RisePropertyChanged(ref childModelProperty, value); }
<uc:ParentUserControl DataContext="{Binding ParentModel}"/>
<uc:ChildUserControl ChildDependency="{Binding DataContext.ParentModelProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}" DataContext="{Binding ChildModel}"/>
<Label Content="Dependency property:"/>
<Label Content="{Binding ChildDependency, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}"/>
<Label Content="Property:"/>
<Label Content="{Binding ChildModelProperty}"/>
public partial class ChildUserControl : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty ChildDependencyProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(ChildDependency), typeof(string), typeof(ChildUserControl), new ("Wrong default DP value from ChildUserControl"));
public string ChildDependency
get => (string)GetValue(ChildDependencyProperty);
set => SetValue(ChildDependencyProperty, value);
public ChildUserControl()
So this is how to pass a property (ParentModelProperty) from ParentUserControl context to DependencyProperty (ChildDependency) of the ChildUserControl.