How can I center content page in the horizontal axis in Blazor?
So far I've been using MudBlazor's MudPaper for this but after upgrading to .NET8 this stopped working:
<MudPaper Class="d-flex justify-space-between flex-grow-1 gap-4" Elevation="0"> I'm looking a standard Blazor solution to this and I cannot find anything in Google that would work.
What you are looking for in this case is CSS.
Blazor is mainly a programing framework running on web assambly that mostly replaces javascript (javascript interop is still needed for some functions).
You can center a html object in the horizontal axis by creating a CSS class and then use it on the object:
.my-class {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
<MudPaper Class="my-class" Elevation="0"> Test </MudPaper>