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Decomposition tree sample visual fitting

Here is a sample provided by Davide Bacci:


I would like to use this template for my .pbix file; however, it's not working as expected. In Davide's example, the datasource is a JSON, whereas I have a Power BI dataset. I need to replicate a similar structure, especially the first line (Max Armstrong), to make it work.

Here is a sample of my data structure:

The visual should begin with a node representing total revenues, and then it should be divided into sublevels. Nodes should always be sorted based on revenues, from highest to lowest.


  • You have multiple roots and a tree works from a single root. To keep this simple, rename your columns as follows:

    enter image description here

    Add them to a Deneb visual but put a filter on so you only see a single root:

    enter image description here

    In the spec, overwrite source with the following:

      "name": "dataset"
      "name": "source",
       "source": "dataset"

    Change the domain to the following (my kpis were percentages hence the hard coded 0-100):

          "name": "kpiscale",
          "zero": false,
          "domain": [0, 1800],
          "range": {"signal": "[0,scaledNodeWidth]"}

    enter image description here

    That should be enough for you to restructure your data but if you add more levels, you will need to update the Vega.