Search code examples

Stop executing remaining macros if recordset.EOF is TRUE

I have an Excel VBA code which has the following function. Of course there are other subs/ functions based on the recordSet which are used to populate the different spreadsheets in the workbook.

Issue: When the recordSet is Empty then a run-time error '13' Type: mismatch comes up. How can I add to this code to check if empty then stop populating the sheet.

Function GetSqlResultsAsArray(qry As String) As Variant
    Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim recordSet As ADODB.recordSet
    'connection string here
    conn.Open ConnectionString:=""
    Set recordSet = conn.Execute(qry)
    If Not recordSet.EOF And Not recordSet.BOF Then
         GetSqlResultsAsArray = recordSet.GetRows
    End If

End Function

The next relevant code is: I want to stop resultsArray getting populated if the above code returns empty or null to void the Run-time error '13'. I do not know how to amend the below to do this.

Private Sub GetResultsData()

    'sub used to bring back a recordset with all results data based on the user criteria slected
    resultSql = GetResultSqlStatement(customer, product, startDate, endDate, productType)
    productSql = GetProductSqlStatement(product, customer, startDate, endDate)
    Dim resultsArray() As Variant
    resultsArray = GetSqlResultsAsArray(resultSql)
    resultsArray = TransposeArray(resultsArray)

    'Format data
    wsData.Range("A2").Resize(lr + 1, lc + 1).Value = resultsArray
    wsData.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, wsData.Range(wsData.Cells(1, 1), wsData.Cells(lr + 2, lc + 1)), , xlYes).Name = "DataTable"
End Sub


  • Move your array to a parameter and change your ADO function to a boolean.

    Function GetSqlResultsAsArray(qry As String, ResultsArray()) As Boolean
        Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
        Dim recordSet As ADODB.recordSet
        'connection string here
        conn.Open ConnectionString:=""
        Set recordSet = conn.Execute(qry)
        If Not recordSet.EOF And Not recordSet.BOF Then
            GetSqlResultsAsArray = True
            ResultsArray = recordSet.GetRows
        End If
    End Function

    Then you can capture whether there are any results in the calling procedure by testing the value of HasRecords.

    HasRecords = GetSqlResultsAsArray(resultSql, resultsArray)
    If HasRecords Then
         resultsArray = TransposeArray(resultsArray)
        'Format data
        wsData.Range("A2").Resize(lr + 1, lc + 1).Value = resultsArray
        wsData.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, wsData.Range(wsData.Cells(1, 1), 
        wsData.Cells(lr + 2, lc + 1)), , xlYes).Name = "DataTable"
    End If

    Or you can skip the HasRecords variable.

    If GetSqlResultsAsArray(resultSql, resultsArray) Then
         resultsArray = TransposeArray(resultsArray)
        'Format data
        wsData.Range("A2").Resize(lr + 1, lc + 1).Value = resultsArray
        wsData.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, wsData.Range(wsData.Cells(1, 1), 
        wsData.Cells(lr + 2, lc + 1)), , xlYes).Name = "DataTable"
    End If