Search code examples

ClearContents with Worksheet_Change when multiple cells are selected

I autopopulate a cell in column CD when a cell in column A is filled.

When emptied the value in CD should also be empty.
When deleting one by one it works, but if you select multiple cells in A, for example A14:A16 and delete, the value in CD is not removed.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'auto populate cell CD dropshipment naar No als er een cell in kolom A na rij 13 is gevuld met een waarde
   With Target                   'get out if the change ...
      If .Row < 14 Then Exit Sub    'is in any row <= the reserve area at the top of my sheet
      Select Case .Column
         Case Cells(1, "A").Column
            If Not IsEmpty(Target) Then
                With .Offset(0, 81)
                    .Value = "No"
                End With
            End If
            If IsEmpty(Target) Then
                With .Offset(0, 81)
                End With
            End If
            Next Value
      End Select
   End With


  • A Worksheet Change: Populate or Clear Contents

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Const TGT_FIRST_CELL As String = "A14"
        Const DST_COLUMN As String = "CD"
        Const DST_STRING As String = "No"
        Dim trg As Range:
        With Me.Range(TGT_FIRST_CELL)
            Set trg = .Resize(Me.Rows.Count - .Row + 1)
        End With
        Dim irg As Range: Set irg = Intersect(trg, Target)
        If irg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        Dim crg As Range, prg As Range, icell As Range, dcell As Range
        For Each icell In irg.Cells
            Set dcell = icell.EntireRow.Columns(DST_COLUMN)
            If IsEmpty(icell.Value) Then
                BuildRange crg, dcell
                BuildRange prg, dcell
            End If
        Next icell
        Application.EnableEvents = False
            If Not crg Is Nothing Then crg.ClearContents
            If Not prg Is Nothing Then prg.Value = DST_STRING
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub BuildRange(ByRef builtRange As Range, addedRange As Range)
        If builtRange Is Nothing Then
            Set builtRange = addedRange
            Set builtRange = Union(builtRange, addedRange)
        End If
    End Sub


    • To make it work for multiple cells (see comment below), use the following instead:

    enter image description here

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        PopulateOrClearOnChange "A14", "CD", "No", Target
        PopulateOrClearOnChange "X14", "BD", "NL01", Target
        PopulateOrClearOnChange "AB14", "BE", "BE01", Target
        PopulateOrClearOnChange "AF14", "BF", "NL13", Target
    End Sub
    Private Sub PopulateOrClearOnChange( _
            TargetFirstCellAddress As String, _
            DestinationColumn As String, _
            DestinationString As String, _
            Target As Range)
        Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = Target.Worksheet
        Dim trg As Range:
        With ws.Range(TargetFirstCellAddress)
            Set trg = .Resize(ws.Rows.Count - .Row + 1)
        End With
        Dim irg As Range: Set irg = Intersect(trg, Target)
        If irg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        Dim prg As Range, crg As Range, icell As Range, dcell As Range
        For Each icell In irg.Cells
            Set dcell = icell.EntireRow.Columns(DestinationColumn)
            If IsEmpty(icell.Value) Then
                BuildRange crg, dcell
                BuildRange prg, dcell
            End If
        Next icell
        Application.EnableEvents = False
            If Not crg Is Nothing Then crg.ClearContents
            If Not prg Is Nothing Then prg.Value = DestinationString
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub BuildRange(ByRef builtRange As Range, addedRange As Range)
        If builtRange Is Nothing Then
            Set builtRange = addedRange
            Set builtRange = Union(builtRange, addedRange)
        End If
    End Sub