I am using SimpleModal script. Also I want to display in it a special DIV tag with long text. This DIV need to have his own scrollbar.
Sample code: www.sildev.pl/basic/index.html You can download this from here: www.sildev.pl/basic.zip
As You can see it's working standalone, but together it crushes. Why? Can anybody fix it to me?
Regards, Piotr.
I made this changes, but still got problem with project. It is very strange for me. Can you look at this again?
Updated version: www.sildev.pl/basic/index.html
ZIP: www.sildev.pl/basic.zip
How to make this scroll works?
It is because you have display none for <div id="basic-modal-content">
if you change in basic.js this line (line 21):
it will work
changes line 14 in basic.css file:
---from: #basic-modal-content {display:none;}
---to #basic-modal-content {visibility:hidden;}