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How to target individual children's hover css classes using Tailwindcss

How can I make it so that the direct children of a parent div have a css class applied to each one of them individually? For example, if I want each item to be font-bold on hover state. I'm hoping to do this inline using the class= attribute vs. having it defined in a css file.


<div class="[&>a]:hover:font-bold">
  <a>link 1</a>
  <a>link 2</a>

If I hover any one of those <a> children, then all of the <a> become bold. I want each one of them to become bold when they're hovered over without affecting their siblings.

Live example:


  • As per the documentation, sometimes variant order matters:

    Ordering stacked modifiers

    When stacking modifiers, they are applied from the inside-out, like nested function calls:

    // These modifiers:
    // ...are applied like this:

    For the most part this doesn’t actually matter, but there are a few situations where the order you use actually generates meaningfully different CSS.

    In your situation, you have [&>a]:hover: which is conceptually like [&>a](hover(…)). This would evaluate to:

    1. hover: – hover this <div> element.
    2. [&>a]: - select direct <a> child elements within this <div> element.

    Whereas really, it seems like you'd want the reverse, hover:[&>a]::

    1. [&>a]: - select direct <a> child elements within this <div> element.
    2. hover: – hover this element (the direct <a> child elements within this <div> element).

    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="hover:[&>a]:font-bold">
      <a>link 1</a>
      <a>link 2</a>