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I'm looking for a way to make the dropshadow visible only from the edge to the outside of a div, since I have a semi-transparent background

drop shadow with rounded border and transparent background

this is the representation I made

The code is a react component with tailwind.

The first image is the one of the design, it happens to have a rounded edge for that reason I can't use box-shadow, so I try with filter: drop-shadow but the drawback is that it also extends into the component, this would not be a problem but the style of the card I have is semi-transparent because it has a linear background to 0% so I need something that can do a drop-shadow but from the edge of the element outwards, Thanks for reading <3

                            <div className="w-full h-full">
                                <div className="w-full h-[8.43vw] flex items-center justify-center rounded-t-[0.6770vw] bg-gradient-to-br from-custom-gray-300/50 to-custom-gray-400/0">
                                    <Image className="w-[6.25vw] h-[6.25vw]" width={120} height={120} src={'/streaming_perfil.png'}/>
                                <div className="w-full h-[2.656vw] rounded-b-[0.4166vw] bg-gradient-to-br from-[#BD00FF]/30 to-[#737373]/0 flex items-center justify-center">
                                    <p className="text-20 font-thin text-white">Streaming</p>


  • I tried which look similar just add gradient. you can adjust box shadow.

    <div className="flex justify-center items-center min-h-screen bg-[#000000] bg-[url('/image.jpg')] bg-no-repeat bg-center">
                <div className="w-[250px] backdrop-blur-md shadow-card rounded-2xl">
                    <div className="border-2 p-8 rounded-t-2xl shadow-card">
                            className="w-full h-auto rounded-2xl border border-white"
                    <div className="w-full rounded-b-2xl">
                        <p className="text-20 text-2xl text-center py-4 text-white">
    // tailwind.config.ts
    import type { Config } from "tailwindcss"
    const config: Config = {
        content: [
        theme: {
            extend: {
                boxShadow: {
                    card: "#BD00FF 0px 0px 20px 6px", // <--- adjust as need
        plugins: [],
    export default config


    Output image