I am learning API documentation using swagger (open API version 3)
I am trying to document the post route.
Here is my YAML syntax.
* @swagger
* /home:
* post:
* summary: create a new product
* tags: [Products]
* requestBody:
* required: true
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
* responses:
* 200:
* description: The product was inserted successfully
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* $ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
* 500:
* description: Some server error
I have thoroughly gone through this code. Yet, I keep running into this error:
Here's the report:
Error in ./routes/route.js :
YAMLSyntaxError: All collection items must start at the same column at line 3, column 6:
summary: create a new product
First of all, I strongly recommend using this Swagger Editor.
Using it you may find that you are just missing indent(s) before 500:
in responses:
Changing the script to something like this should solve your issue:
description: The product was inserted successfully
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Product"
description: Some server error