I have such data in ES:
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "abc", "version":0, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "def", "version":1, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "was", "version":2, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B2", "status":"V", "name": "acc", "version":0, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B3", "status":"E", "name": "fff", "version":0, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B3", "status":"V", "name": "ttt", "version":1, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B4", "status":"V", "name": "ttt", "version":1, "colour": "blue"}
The requirements are:
And for all red items I need to do some grouping by action name and for each action name group:
Correct results would be (sorted by name ASC):
{"action":"B2", "status":"V", "name": "acc", "version"=0} //this was returned because all actions with status V should be returned
{"action":"B3", "status":"E", "name": "fff", "version"=0} //there were two actions in B3 group, it returned the one with highest version and E state
{"action":"B3", "status":"V", "name": "ttt", "version"=1} //there were two actions in B3 group, it returned the one with V state, because they should be always added to results
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "was", "version"=2} //there were many actions in B1 group so it returned the one with highest version
I want to search documents. And my query looks like this:
GET myIndex/_search
"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"query_string": {
"query": "red",
"fields": [
"adjust_pure_negative": true,
"boost": 1.0
} ,
"version": true,
"explain": false,
"aggregations": {
"all_items": {
"terms": {
"field": "action",
"size": 10, //I AM NOT SURE WHAT THIS SIZE SPECIFIES ? I want first page of 10 elements
"min_doc_count": 1,
"shard_min_doc_count": 0,
"show_term_doc_count_error": false,
"order": [
"_count": "desc"
"_key": "asc"
"aggregations": {
"bbb": {
"top_hits": {
"from": 0,
"size": 1,
"version": false,
"seq_no_primary_term": false,
"explain": false,
"fields": [
"field": "version"
My current results are wrong. Problems:
"hits" : {
"total" : {
"value" : 6,
"relation" : "eq"
the totalHits=6 is greater than number of documents in buckets (3) and I cannot construct paging information (in my pager I should see total number of elements which should be 4)
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "abc", "version"=0, "colour" = red}
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "def", "version"=1, "colour" = red}
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "was", "version"=2, "colour" = red}
{"action":"B2", "status":"V", "name": "acc", "version"=0, "colour" = red}
{"action":"B3", "status":"E", "name": "fff", "version"=0, "colour" = red}
{"action":"B3", "status":"V", "name": "ttt", "version"=1, "colour" = red}
2) In result buckets I have documents grouped by statuses:
bucket with key B1 //OK
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "was", "version"=2, "colour" = red}
bucket with key B2 //OK
{"action":"B2", "status":"V", "name": "acc", "version"=0, "colour" = red}
bucket with key B3 //WRONG
{"action":"B3", "status":"V", "name": "ttt", "version"=1, "colour" = red}
So here I am missing this document:
{"action":"B3", "status":"E", "name": "fff", "version"=0, "colour" = red}
because aggregation took the document with highest version from this bucket. But according to requirements I should take all elements with V status and the last item (in terms of version) with E status.
Any help would be appreciated.
As for loosing elements with status V I have some idea, for example to introduce new field for grouping (so that I would not group by action field but by newGroupingDiscriminatorField) and assign to such field respect value:
I don't have idea for correct totalCount (i should show to the user that he is watching 1-10 element from 120 of them -> 120 means 120 elements ready to display, already grouped with eliminated unneccessary items, not before grouping)
I don't know which part of the query would be responsible for getting only first page from all grouped elelements. First page has 10 elements. But to get first page only I need to group all documents first right.. ?
You can solve it by scripted_metric
Your documents
PUT /complex_selection/_bulk
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "was", "version": 2, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "abc", "version": 0, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B1", "status":"E", "name": "def", "version": 1, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B2", "status":"V", "name": "acc", "version": 0, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B3", "status":"E", "name": "fff", "version": 0, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B3", "status":"V", "name": "ttt", "version": 1, "colour": "red"}
{"action":"B4", "status":"V", "name": "ttt", "version": 1, "colour": "blue"}
Scripted metric query
POST /complex_selection/_search?filter_path=aggregations
"query": {
"term": {
"colour": {
"value": "red"
"aggs": {
"selected_documents": {
"scripted_metric": {
"init_script": "state.actions = [:];",
"map_script": """
def action = params['_source']['action'];
def status = params['_source']['status'];
def document = params['_source'];
if (state.actions[action] == null) {
state.actions[action] = [:];
if (state.actions[action][status] == null) {
state.actions[action][status] = [];
if (status == 'E') {
if (state.actions[action][status].size() > 0) {
def mapDocumentVersion = state.actions[action][status][0]['version'];
def documentVersion = document['version'];
if (mapDocumentVersion >= documentVersion) {
state.actions[action][status] = [];
"combine_script": "return state.actions",
"reduce_script": """
Map selectedDocuments = new HashMap();
for (state in states) {
List documents = [];
Set mapActions = selectedDocuments.keySet();
for (mapAction in mapActions) {
Set mapStatuses = selectedDocuments[mapAction].keySet();
for (mapStatus in mapStatuses) {
List value = selectedDocuments[mapAction][mapStatus];
return documents;
"aggregations" : {
"selected_documents" : {
"value" : [
"colour" : "red",
"name" : "acc",
"action" : "B2",
"version" : 0,
"status" : "V"
"colour" : "red",
"name" : "fff",
"action" : "B3",
"version" : 0,
"status" : "E"
"colour" : "red",
"name" : "ttt",
"action" : "B3",
"version" : 1,
"status" : "V"
"colour" : "red",
"name" : "was",
"action" : "B1",
"version" : 2,
"status" : "E"
NOTE! This query is for one-shard indices. The reduce_script stage code is simplified and not correct for many-shard indices