I'm attempting to use expression based access control in Spring security by referencing a bean method in my web security expression. So for example I have something like this
public class AuthorizationChecker {
public boolean check(Authentication authentication, HttpServletRequest request) {
return true;
And then security configure method like this
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.cors().and().anonymous().disable().authorizeRequests().antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/**")
.access("@authorizationChecker(authentication, request)").and().oauth2ResourceServer().jwt();
However when starting the Spring Boot application I get Parsing exception. Digging through the Spring code I can see it fails parsing with the following message
EL1041E: After parsing a valid expression, there is still more data in the expression: 'lparen(()'
Any ideas? As far as I can see it matches the syntax given in the Spring Security documentation.
You should try this, note the explicit call of the check
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authorizeRequests().antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, "/**")
.access("@authorizationChecker.check(authentication, request)")