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BlazoredLocalStorage secretly fails to register?

I've created a .NET8 Blazor project (a client and server side) and added the Blazored.LocalStorage nuget package for the client side. In the Program.cs file I'm adding the service registration line:


Then, on a page where I want to use it I inject the instance with:

@inject ILocalStorageService _localStorage

Unfortunately, when I start the webapp, I see the error in the browser:

InvalidOperationException: Cannot provide a value for property '_localStorage' on type 'MyProject.Client.Pages.Login'. There is no registered service of type 'Blazored.LocalStorage.ILocalStorageService'.

What am I doing wrong?


  • To check if you are using global rendermode or not, you could open the "server project" -Components- App.razor.

        <HeadOutlet @rendermode="InteractiveWebAssembly" />
        <Routes @rendermode="InteractiveWebAssembly" />

    Per page: you need to manually add @rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly at any top of each page. (When you don't add, it only use server-side-rendering)

        <HeadOutlet />
        <Routes />

    There is no registered service of type 'Blazored.LocalStorage.ILocalStorageService'.

    You need to add builder.Services.AddBlazoredLocalStorage(); to both server project and client project. This is because @rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly will still prerender on server 1st. The prerender SSR(server-side rendering) is executed in the server project .

    But as SSR actually cannot access localstorage at all. You will need to disable prerender. To do this:
    If you are using global rendermode, change the App.razor like

        <Routes @rendermode="new InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode(false)" />

    If you are using per component, add rendermode at top of page like

    @rendermode @(new InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode(false))
