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Keycloak Error Invalid Redirect URI Mobile App

I have a mobile app that is setup with the following settings in app.json:

"expo": {
    "scheme": "myapp",

When I try to login within the app, I get the following error:

enter image description here

I looked into the docker logs and the deep-link is setup correctly. This is the error message:

2024-03-05T14:13:41.071050158Z 2024-03-05 14:13:41,063 WARN [] (executor-thread-67) type=LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=e42bff21-b759-4547-b223-95d2185b6c92, clientId=my-app, userId=null,, error=invalid_redirect_uri, redirect_uri=myapp://

And this is my settings within the client inside keycloak:

Valid redirect URIs: myapp://*

What am I missing here? The scheme from the keycloak configuration matches the redirect uri within the logs.


  • So I was able to solve this problem, don't know the underlying issue though.

    In Keycloak it is not possible to specify the redirect uri as myapp:// as it complains that it is not a valid uri. That was the reason for which I specified it as myapp://*. My guess is that this is the issue and the wildcard is somehow not handled properly.

    My solution was to specify the redirect uri as myapp://redirect. This is a valid uri in keycloak settings as well. Now it works.