I'm using spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory to integrate my webapp with azure AAD.
Previously my web app only need 3 api services, but when I add 1 more (webApi-4) I get this issue. Is there any way to get out of this? I google for a while but can not find the solution.
For sample, I used the below authorize endpoint to authorize the users:
&scope=profile openid offline_access api://xxx/BEApp.access api://xxx/claim.read api://xxx/jango-test-api api://xxx/group.read
And got the same error as below:
The error "AADSTS28004: The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' exceeded the number of scopes allowed" usually occurs if you are scopes more than 3 resources in your login request. Refer this GitHub Blog by tnorling.
Note that: If the web APIs have different applications, then you need to generate the access token separately as one token can only be issued to one audience. You cannot acquire access token for multiple audience Refer this SO Thread by me.
You can make use of client credential flow and assign app role to the user like below:
Created a Microsoft Entra application and added an app role:
Exposed and API and added scope:
Granted API permissions:
Add the user to the role in the Enterprise application:
Generated auth-code:
Generated tokens like below:
scope:api://ID/.default openid offline_access
When I decoded the access token roles and scp is present:
Otherwise, you can also make use of client credential flow and assign app role to user.