Say you have
struct Screw: Codable {
let id: String
.. more
struct Nail: Codable {
let id: String
.. more
struct Parts: Codable {
var Screws: [Screw]?
var Nails: [Nail]?
and an extension on the optional array
extension Optional {
mutating func blah() where Wrapped == [Screw] {
if self == nil { self = [] }
// we use the .id property ..
if self!.count > 13 && self![13].id == 666 { self?.remove(at: 13) }
you can then conveniently
However if I sensibly
protocol IDable {
var id: Int { get }
struct Screw: Codable, IDable { ..
struct Nail: Codable, IDable { ..
It seems you can NOT do this,
extension Optional {
mutating func blah() where Wrapped == [IDable] { ..
Because at compile time
Instance method 'blah()' requires the types '[Screw]' and '[any IDable]' be equivalent
Is there a way to achieve this?
Encapsulating the solution from the linked question, to this actual situation, the solution is ...
mutating func blah() where Wrapped == [Screw] {
mutating func blah<T: IDable>() where Wrapped == [T] {
mutating func bleh(item: Screw) where Wrapped == [Screw] {
mutating func bleh<T: IDable >(item: T) where Wrapped == [T] {