I have a file in sharepoint (I know the DriveItemId) and I would like to add metadata (let's say, title) to it. I'm using MS Graph SDK for Java (6.3.0) for that purpose. I try to do it like this:
GraphServiceClient client = .... ;
Map<String, Object> metadata=... ;
final DriveItem driveItem = client.drives().byDriveId(<parent_folder_id>).items().byDriveItemId(driveItemId).get();
But I've got error when execute "patch":
com.microsoft.graph.models.odataerrors.ODataError: Invalid request
at com.microsoft.graph.models.odataerrors.ODataError.createFromDiscriminatorValue(ODataError.java:36)
at com.microsoft.kiota.serialization.JsonParseNode.getObjectValue(JsonParseNode.java:210)
at com.microsoft.kiota.http.OkHttpRequestAdapter.lambda$throwIfFailedResponse$0(OkHttpRequestAdapter.java:672)
Are there any other ways to achieve that?
I think you need to update fields
on a listItem
associated with a driveItem
// get the listItem associated with the driveItem
final ListItem listItem = graphClient.drives().byDriveId("").items().byDriveItemId("").listItem().get(e -> e.queryParameters.select = new String[] { "sharepointids" });
// prepare fieldValueSet to be updated
FieldValueSet fieldValueSet = new FieldValueSet();
HashMap<String, Object> additionalData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
additionalData.put("Title", "New value");
// read sharepoint ids
SharepointIds sharepointIds = listItem.getSharepointIds();
// update fields of the listItem associated with the driveItem