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No way to step into node_modules anymore?

Is it just me, or Chromium DevTools stopped to stop at breakpoints in node_modules (including /usr/lib/node_modules)?




$ npm i userhome@1.0.0
// add the following lines to node_modules/userhome/index.js:
// debugger
// console.log('userhome');
$ node --inspect-brk a.js

Open about:inspect in Chromium. Choose the process under Remote Target. Press F8. It stops at b.js. Press F8 again. It doesn't stop at node_modules/userhome/index.js and finishes.

Am I missing something? Is there a way to debug this issue somehow (a way to figure out why it doesn't stop at node_modules breakpoints)?

I'm running Chromium 121.0.6167.184 and nodejs v21.6.1.

UPD I just checked on another machine with Chromium 115.0.5790.102 and v20.4.0, and here it works. It had the Node.js V8 --inspector Manager (NiM) extension installed, but I turned it off before testing.

It looks as if node_modules is considered "uninteresting" in the recent versions of Chromium (and likely Chrome), and as such skipped. I'd like to disable it somehow.


  • The workaround I've found is... to not use Chromium DevTools. You can debug code with vscode:

    • Launch it
    • Ctrl-Shift-P
    • Choose Debug: Attach to Node Process
    • Choose the node --inspect process

    The trick is, you can't debug processes running under root, as might be the case with processes running in docker containers.

    UPD With the help of the image I was able to figure out that it stopped working in Chromium around 120:

    // 119.0.6045.159 +
    $ docker run --rm --network=host \
    // 120.0.6099.129 -
    $ docker run --rm --network=host \

    And I soon was able to find in What's new that they added node_modules to the ignore list.