I'm having issues using Flask-Cognito getting the following error:
{ "description": "Public key not found in jwks.json", "error": "Invalid Cognito Authentication Token" }
I'm using a user pool that I've checked using lambdas and other cookies authentication frameworks..
my Flask Code is basically the github example:
# configuration
from flask import Flask
from flask_cognito import cognito_auth_required, current_user, current_cognito_jwt
from flask import jsonify
from flask_cognito import CognitoAuth
app = Flask(__name__)
# initialize extension
# cogauth = CognitoAuth(app)
'COGNITO_REGION': 'eu-xxxx',
'COGNITO_USERPOOL_ID': 'eu-xxxx_xxxx',
# optional
'COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_ID': 'xxxxx', # client ID you wish to verify user is authenticated against
'COGNITO_CHECK_TOKEN_EXPIRATION': False, # disable token expiration checking for testing purposes
'COGNITO_JWT_HEADER_NAME': 'Authorization',
def api_private():
# user must have valid cognito access or ID token in header
# (accessToken is recommended - not as much personal information contained inside as with idToken)
return jsonify({
'cognito_username': current_cognito_jwt['username'], # from cognito pool
'user_id': current_user.id, # from your database
I'm calling the API like:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer XXXX'
Please Help, what am I doing wrong here?
The exception is raised if the public information from the JWKS_URI
is not downloaded.
This could be a result of the JWKS_URI being constructed wrong.
For flask_awscognito integration you should set these properties:
'AWS_COGNITO_REGION': 'eu-xxxx',
'AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID': 'eu-xxxx_xxxx',
# optional
'AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID': 'xxxxx', # client ID you wish to verify user is authenticated against
'COGNITO_CHECK_TOKEN_EXPIRATION': False, # disable token expiration checking for testing purposes
'COGNITO_JWT_HEADER_NAME': 'Authorization',