I am using bottlenose to extract product prices from Amazon, things are doing OK for extraction from Amazon.com
, I tried to expand the search to Amazon.co.uk
, I applied an associate account in Amazon.co.uk
, and obtained a new associate-id.
amazon_search = bottlenose.Amazon(str(aws_key.aws_access_key),
item_details = BeautifulStoneSoup(amazon_search.ItemLookup(ItemId=item_asin.text,ResponseGroup="OfferSummary")
I used the code above, Why the output is the same for Amazon.com
and Amazon.co.uk
even after I changed the associate_key
listing the attribute inside the amazon_search
class will tell you why:
print amazon_search.__dict__
{'MaxQPS': 0.9, 'AWSAccessKeyId': 'xxxxxxxxxx', '_last_query_time': [None], 'AWSSecretAccessKey': 'xxxxxxxxxx', 'Region': 'US', 'Parser': None, 'CacheReader': <function amazon_search_details_cache_read_fx at 0x31841b8>, 'ErrorHandler': None, 'Version': '2011-08-01', 'Timeout': None, 'AssociateTag': 'xxxxxxxxxx-20', 'CacheWriter': <function amazon_search_details_cache_write_fx at 0x31840c8>, 'Operation': None}
add attribute Region
to whatever region you want will fix the problem. Just tested and it works.