I'm trying to find a Chainlink oracle / node operator (specifically their job id and oracle address) so I can connect my blockchain smart contract to the internet and retrieve sports betting data.
market.link website disappeared a while ago, and I can't find another oracle marketplace.
Where can I find a Chainlink oracle these days?
Chainlink community oracle here.
Feel free to reference our documentation for our oracle addresses, job ids, and code samples of how to connect your smart contract to our Chainlink oracles on all major mainnet and testnet blockchains.
In general, your constructor will look something like this, but it will vary by chain:
constructor() ConfirmedOwner(msg.sender) {
setChainlinkToken(0xb1D4538B4571d411F07960EF2838Ce337FE1E80E); // Chainlink token contract on Arbitrum testnet
setOracleAddress(0xd36c6B1777c7f3Db1B3201bDD87081A9045B7b46); // LinkWell's Arbitrum testnet oracle
setJobId("a8356f48569c434eaa4ac5fcb4db5cc0"); // LinkWell's uint256 job id
setFeeInHundredthsOfLink(0); // 0 LINK (free)
In general, if you're seeking a Chainlink oracle, you can do so by posting your question in the #operator-requests channel of the Chainlink Official Discord server.
Let me know if that helps, and if you have any other questions!