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Looping through arrays to generate a list

I want to generate a list of names for a ticket raffle.

I would generate a name x amount of times, for how many tickets they have bought, and add a unique identifier on the end.
enter image description here

For example, if Pikachu bought 40 tickets, the code would generate "Pikachu1", "Pikachu2", etc.


I have an array for the names and an array for the numbers of tickets. I'm thinking to loop through the array of names, generate the name numberOfTickets time, add the unique identifier, and so on.

Sub raffleTickets()
    Dim totalRaffleTickets As Variant
    Dim nNames As Variant
    Dim y As Integer
    totalRaffleTickets = Range("$I5:$I135").Value
    nNames = Range("$A5:$A135").Value
    For y = LBound(nNames) To UBound(nNames)
    Next y
End Sub

Previously I hard coded it so I got the name from the cell and then printed it x many of times.


    • Use a nested loop to generate the list
    • Write the output to a new worksheet (modify as needed)

    Microsoft documentation:

    ReDim statement

    Range.Resize property (Excel)

    Option Explicit
    Sub raffleTickets()
        Dim totalRaffleTickets As Variant
        Dim nNames As Variant
        Dim y As Long, x As Long, arrRes, iR As Long, iTotal As Long
        totalRaffleTickets = Range("$I5:$I135").Value
        nNames = Range("$A5:$A135").Value
        ' get the total tickets
        iTotal = Application.Sum(Range("$I5:$I135"))
        ReDim arrRes(1 To iTotal, 0)
        iR = 0
        ' loop throught names
        For y = LBound(nNames) To UBound(nNames)
            If totalRaffleTickets(y, 1) > 0 Then
                For x = 1 To totalRaffleTickets(y, 1)
                    ' populate array
                    iR = iR + 1
                    arrRes(iR, 0) = nNames(y, 1) & CStr(x)
                Next x
            End If
        Next y
        ' write output to a new sheet
        Range("A1").Resize(iR, 1) = arrRes
    End Sub