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Log Analytics Workspace / Azure Watchlist: KQL Filtering on datetime

I'm having trouble converting a date value in a watchlist to be understood as a datetime value.

I've tried using format_datime(), datetime(), date() but the value becomes blank.

steps to reproduce:

  1. create a watchlist with a column that has a date in the format dd/MM/yyyy

  2. run a query where you attempt to filter on the date column. (ensure the date value meets the condition)

let examplewatchlist = _GetWatchlist("exampleWatchlist");
| where ReviewDate > now() // now is 01/03/2024

For example, here is my watchlist (a total of 1 row) enter image description here

My desired output for the above query should be this one row in the watchlist because it satisfies ReviewDate > now()


  • Created a watchlist same as you have :

    enter image description here

    You can use below KQL query to get expected results:

    let examplewatchlist = _GetWatchlist("test1");
    | extend test = split(ReviewDate, "/")
    | extend ReviewDate2 = make_datetime(toint(test[2]),toint(test[1]),toint(test[0]))
    | where ReviewDate2 >  now() + 17d

    enter image description here

    ReviewDate is not stored as datetime, it needs to transformed as above.

    To test date with now():

    enter image description here

    Later you can use |project-away test to remove extra columns.