I am using Jasmine test suite to run tests in my codebase.
It works great on my Mac. the command is
open SpecRunner.html
Here's the full scripts object:
"scripts": {
"start": "npm install",
"test:local": "open SpecRunner.html",
"test:remote": "karma start"
The problem I am having is that my friend told me npm run test:local
isn't working on his Windows machine. I believe the correct command in start SpecRunner.html
What's the best way to make this compatible across operating systems?
ChatGPT recommended this solution:
"scripts": {
"open-spec": "cross-env OS_TYPE=$(uname) npm run open-spec-$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')",
"open-spec-darwin": "open SpecRunner.html",
"open-spec-linux": "xdg-open SpecRunner.html",
"open-spec-win32": "start SpecRunner.html"
I'd prefer a simple way to combine the command into one script though. Is that possible? I don't have a Windows machine to test myself! Thank you!
This has already being answered here before. Take a look at this question here: npm package.json OS specific script.
I believe the second answer is what you want. Wrapping it with some node if else. https://stackoverflow.com/a/45082999/10880357.
But I like the first one better (which is similar as GPT), looks like you and your friend are starting a project or something. It will not hurt to type : test:mac or test:windows
My advice for you: Keep focused on what is going to bring your value.