I have an Order
and OrderMaster
table. First I query the Master table, I then create a hashset of a column of Ints from that table. Lastly I want to get all orders that have those values.
When I do the contains, the ToList()
fails and I get an error
Type bool does not contain member ToList
What am I doing wrong here?
mappings = await _context.OrderMapping
.Where((OrderMapping em) => em.MOID == UID)
HashSet<int> ids2 = new HashSet<int>((mappings.Select(a => a.ORDERMAPID)));
orders = await _context.Order
.Where(x => ids2.Contains(x.ORDERMAPID)
Seems like you are missing a ")" after Contains(...). The following should work :)
orders = await _context.Order.Where(x => ids2.Contains(x.ORDERMAPID)).ToListAsync();