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Data rendering on the OverlayPanel using Vue js and PrimeVue

Question on data rendering on the OverlayPanel using Vue.js

  <Column field="tags" header="Tags">
    <template #body="{ data }">
      {{ console.log( 'tags1 ', data.tags) }}
      <span class="more-tags" @click="toggle"> More </span>
      {{ console.log('tags2 ', data.tags) }}
      <OverlayPanel ref="op">
        <div v-for="tag in data.tags" :key="tag">{{ tag }}</div>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import OverlayPanel from 'primevue/overlaypanel';

const op = ref(null);

const toggle = (event) => {

data.tags is an array of objects like below

    "Living Room",


But on the overlayPanel, it always displays same data for example when I click on "More", it always displays mobile. I expected to dynamically display tags.

but console statement prints tags1 and tags2 correctly. Not sure why the OverlayPanel displays same data.

Any help?


  • Resolved. I had to create a reactive reference opData with empty tags arrays and updated its value when toggling the OverlayPanel to ensure that it displays the correct data.

      <Column field="tags" header="Tags">
        <template #body="{ data }">
          {{ console.log( 'tags1 ', data.tags) }}
          <span class="more-tags" @click="toggle"> More </span>
          {{ console.log('tags2 ', data.tags) }}
          <OverlayPanel ref="op">
            <div v-for="tag in opData.tags" :key="tag">{{ tag }}</div>
    <script setup>
    import { ref } from 'vue';
    import OverlayPanel from 'primevue/overlaypanel';
    const op = ref(null);
    const opData = ref({ tags: [] });
    // Function to toggle the OverlayPanel and update its data
    const toggle = (event, data) => {
      const tags = data.tags;
      // Update OverlayPanel data (display tags from fourth element)
      opData.value = { tags: tags.slice(3) };