Newbie and I have a graph with 'employees' WORKING AT 'retailers', and 'customers' SHOPPING at 'retailers'. Some of these transactions which the customers do are 'disputed.' I am trying to figure out a list of employees who work with more than 1 retailer where a transaction has been marked as 'disputed'
Here is what I have written which gives me good results, but contains all employees who work at 1 store as well. I want to filter-out these employees who work at 1 store.
MATCH (employees:Employee)-[worklocation:WORKS_AT]->(retailer:Retailer)
WITH employees, retailer, COUNT(DISTINCT worklocation) AS Count_Worklocations
WHERE (retailer)<-[:SHOPPED_AT {status : "Disputed"}]-(:Customer)
RETURN, sum(Count_Worklocations) AS WORKPLACES
│"Irvin Clayton" │3 │
│"Ricky Bond" │2 │
│"Carmen Dixon" │2 │
│"Bryon Ramos" │2 │
│"Seth Snow" │1 │
│"Donny Pollard" │1 │
│"Isaac Mendez" │1 │
│"Sonny Horn" │1 │
│"Roxie Aguilar" │1 │
│"Letha Hardy" │1 │
│"Don Howe" │1 │
│"Kelvin Haney" │1 │
│"Denver Glover" │1 │
│"Steven Carney" │1 │
│"Kraig Hensley" │1 │
│"Andrea Gallegos"│1 │
│"Lina Rivers" │1 │
│"Deidre Duke" │1 │
│"Jerold Mccarthy"│1 │
│"Malik Copeland" │1 │
MATCH (employee:Employee)-[Employee:WORKS_AT]->(retailer)
WITH AS `Employee Name`,
collect(DISTINCT AS `Retailer Name`,
count( as cnt
WHERE cnt >1
MATCH (employee:Employee)-[Employee:WORKS_AT]->(retailer),
(customer:Customer)- [transaction:SHOPPED_AT]->(retailer)
WHERE transaction.status = "Disputed"
RETURN DISTINCT `Employee Name`, `Retailer Name`
This gives me -
│Employee Name │Retailer Name │
│"Seth Snow" │["Gap", "Target"] │
│"Roxie Aguilar"│["Gap", "BestBuy"] │
│"Ricky Bond" │["BestBuy", "Nordstr│
│ │om"] │
│"Carmen Dixon" │["Coach", "Nordstrom│
│ │"] │
│"Bryon Ramos" │["Coach", "Foot Lock│
│ │er"] │
│"Irvin Clayton"│["Express", "Kohls",│
│ │ "Nordstrom"] │
However, this is wrong as no Disputed transactions were reported at retailer 'Gap' so Roxie Aguilar and Seth Snow have worked at only 1 store where 'Disputed' transaction was reported and their names should not be there.
You can get what you need by using an EXISTS
subquery in the first MATCH
and only include retailers that have disputes:
MATCH (employee:Employee)-[:WORKS_AT]->(retailer:Retailer)
WHERE EXISTS { (retailer)<-[:SHOPPED_AT {status: "Disputed"}]-(:Customer) }
WITH employee, collect(retailer) AS retailers, count(*) AS count WHERE count > 1
RETURN AS `Employee Name`,
[retailer IN retailers |] AS `Retailer Names`
This return result columns as in your second example.