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Is GH Copilot included in Visual Studio Enterprise edition with no additional charge

I have updated Visual Studio Enterprise edition to the latest version: 17.9.1. Installed copilot, and restarted Visual Studio with an existing solution that's in our private azure git repo. But I am getting this error with the copilot icon in the left bottom corner disabled in the IDE:

Copilot in Visual Studio Enterprise edition does not work with a message: GitHub Copilot is disabled due to an error: Request checkStatus failed with message: Response content-type is text/xml, charset=Utf-8 (status=403)

My questions here are:

  1. What caused the 403 error? Unable to connect to my company's private repo? If so, what do I need to do to enable it?
  2. Is GH Copilot come with Visual Studio Enterprise edition with no additional charge?


  • Actually we need either to have a GitHub Copilot Individual subscription or Copilot Business or GitHub Copilot Enterprise license.

    GitHub Copilot isn't included with VS Enterprise edition.

    see reference on copilot billing: