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Creating a an empty dataframe with individual column type set to float

I am creating the columns for an empty dataframe and need to set a particular column (Room #) to float:

columns = ['Time','Name','Company','Room #', 'etc'] # all type object
df["Room #"] = (df["Room #"]).apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

However when I check the types at this point, it is int64 instead of the desired float:

Time                                    object
Name                                    object
Company                                 object
Room #                                   int64
etc                                     object

I don't want to create this as a dictionary because the actual data is fed to the frame later. What is the correct method to coerce the Room # into a float type for that column only?


  • Use astype:

    columns = ['Time','Name','Company','Room #', 'etc'] 
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns).astype({'Room #': float})


    Time        object
    Name        object
    Company     object
    Room #     float64
    etc         object
    dtype: object

    Or, using your method, force the dtype with downcast='float':

    columns = ['Time','Name','Company','Room #', 'etc'] 
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
    df['Room #'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Room #'], errors='coerce', downcast='float')


    Time        object
    Name        object
    Company     object
    Room #     float32
    etc         object
    dtype: object