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rounding up time to last 30 mins interval

I have a dataframe with a column 'queue_ist_dt'. This column contains pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp values. My requirement is :

if time = 10:13:00 then round_off_time = 10:00:00 if time = 23:29:00 then round_off_time = 23:00:00

and so on.

if time = 10:31:00 then round_off_time = 10:30:00 if time = 23:53:00 then round_off_time = 23:30:00

and so on.

if time = 10:30:00 then round_off_time = 10:30:00

These are the 3 conditions.

I tried to write the following logic :

for r in range(df.shape[0]):
                if df.loc[r,'queue_ist_dt'].minute<30:
                    timedelta = pd.Timedelta(minutes=df.loc[r,'queue_ist_dt'].minute)
                    df.loc[r,'queue_placed_interval'] = df.loc[r,'queue_ist_dt']- timedelta
                elif df.loc[r,'queue_ist_dt'].minute>30:
                    ******NEED HELP TO BUILD THIS LOGIC******

Need help to build logic for the time where minutes is greater than 30 mins and have to be rounded down to 30 mins.


  • Use Series.dt.floor:

    #if necessary convert to datetimes
    df['queue_ist_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(df['queue_ist_dt'].astype(str)) 
    df['queue_ist_dt1'] = df['queue_ist_dt'].dt.floor('30Min').dt.time
    print (df)