I've discovered that TaskCompletionSource.SetResult();
invokes the code awaiting the task before returning. In my case that result in a deadlock.
This is a simplified version that is started in an ordinary Thread
void ReceiverRun()
while (true)
var msg = ReadNextMessage();
TaskCompletionSource<Response> task = requests[msg.RequestID];
if(msg.Error == null)
task.SetException(new Exception(msg.Error));
The "async" part of the code looks something like this.
await SendAwaitResponse("first message");
SendAwaitResponse("second message").Wait();
The Wait is actually nested inside non-async calls.
The SendAwaitResponse(simplified)
public static Task<Response> SendAwaitResponse(string msg)
var t = new TaskCompletionSource<Response>();
requests.Add(GetID(msg), t);
return t.Task;
My assumption was that the second SendAwaitResponse would execute in a ThreadPool thread but it continues in the thread created for ReceiverRun.
Is there anyway to set the result of a task without continuing its awaited code?
The application is a console application.
Use var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Response>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
when you want to force continuations added to the current task to be executed asynchronously.